Explanations missing

This is definitely a good, enjoyable movie. It wouldn't be fair to critisize many points that I would really like to, so I won't. But the movie doesn't really explain things very well - and many of the plot points are left for the imagination, and to some vague references.

How could the annoying brat, B-ko, be any kind of a princess? I mean, did her mother live on another planet originally, and then find a home on Earth, give birth and then somehow (how, exactly, btw?) the extraterrestrial lesbians found out about it and her?

Wouldn't she stop BEING a queen, once she leaves not only the country, but the whole planet, that gave her the throne? Wouldn't they simply select someone else? Or did B-ko also travel in space in her childhood?

Does she carry a special DNA signature or how do they know it's her? Also, how does the "D" get to Earth, why and when? Was she a passenger in the asteroid/meteor in the beginning? So did she arrive to planet Earth by chance, or is his plan to simply wait for decades and decades until someone who might resemble the princess would emerge? How old is B-ko's mother anyway? The mechanics of all this just baffle me, I can't figure out how it all happened. Especially when you think how big the Earth is, and what coincidence it would have been that "D" would have not only got the country right (by accident?), but also the city. Just not the time..

If he didn't arrive in the asteroid/meteor, how, when and why did he arrive? And why doesn't the captain know what kind of planet Earth is, before the military starts shooting missiles at her? (She seems awfully surprised) I mean, she already has a spy on the planet, that could have told her everything he needs to know about the planet.

Why are they looking for the princess anyway? All she does is sit and stare, when they finally get her. What's the point of a princess, when you have a fleet of spaceships and all kinds of advanced technology? I mean, obviously they wouldn't have really needed a princess, so what possible use would they have for a princess? Does she have magical powers or what?

Why was there so much lesbianism in the movie? Why aren't there many men in it? Is it misandry? On the other hand, it's more equal than hollywood movies, because it lets women get badly beaten up multiple times. In hollywood movies, only men get beaten up (even by women), but women don't get beaten up much, especially by men. Then again, it follows the tradition that on the rare occasions when women do get beaten up, it's by other women, never men (unless you want to show how 'extremely evil' some man is, you depict him slapping a woman on the cheek! Ooh! How can you get more evil than that!)

Why do the Earth armies immediately attack an unknown and never-before seen target, who might have been friendly? Why didn't they give peace at least a chance? Surely someone would have gladly sacrificed themselves, by going up to the ship and trying to establish friendly communications. Why just simply start by shooting missiles at them? That's ludicrous!

How can a tall, tower-like building sustain a huge and presumably multiple times heavier (than the building itself) spaceship on top of it without collapsing? WTC towers allegedly couldn't even sustain their own top portions, after a couple of walls had exploded..

Why can A-ko run really fast, but not see fast enough to realize what she's running at? Wouldn't that be extremely dangerous (she's vulnerable, after all - she hit her own thumb with a hammer and screamed of pain, and the sword cut her cheek in the spaceship, and she bled), and render their survival every morning a pure happenstance of luck/chance? I mean, if she can run faster than she sees, wouldn't she be simply bumping into walls all the time?

If she's really the child of superman and wonder woman, why can't she fly, and why isn't she invulnerable, and why doesn't anyone seem to really take notice when she uses her powers, beyond some humble idolizing? Why doesn't SHE know that powers like that are not normal, and using them in public would be disastrous in the long run? How can Clark Kent keep his cover as a 'normal man', if his daughter goes around destroying half the city, stops falling girders with her fist and throws tanks in the air on the street?

A-ko is vulnerable, but how come she can still survive explosions, being thrown against a wall, jumping out from high windows, running into wall corners and obliterating said wall corners by doing that (surely that'd be enough force to hurt her at least as much as hitting her own thumb with a hammer!)? Why doesn't the death of a pilot concern her, but the pilot possibly seeing her underwear seems to be a big deal to her (even if it's the last thing he will ever see)?

Why would someone as annoying as B-ko have everyone worshipping her as if she truly was a princess? Why does she always get away with everything simply by crying? Isn't that spoiling the brat even more? Alls he learns from adults behaving such way that she can do anything she wants as long as she remembers to shed a few tears afterwards! Why is everyone reacting to her crying in such a childish, non-confrontational way? Why doesn't A-ko tell her straight that she can't and shouldn't cook, and she doesn't want to eat any bento she made? They are supposedly good friends, but that friendship can't handle truth and honesty? What kind of a friendship is it, if honesty would destroy it? Not a very strong one.

How could anyone fall in love with B-ko - it's simply not credible. And why are the ones falling in love with her always women, never men? Surely there must exist men somewhere within the realm of the movie.. oh, that's right - the men only exist here to die horribly in airplane/spaceship explosions. Forgot.

In any case, much of this plot didn't make sense, and what could have made sense, wasn't explained. I am not complaining that B-ko IS a princess, I am simply wanting to know how that's possible, and what are the odds to that, and why that's even signifigant, and so on.

Though of course the least believable thing about this movie is that a woman can design functional super-robots and suits .. women engineers - how many do you know? (Though of course asian women are a little bit different story, as they are actually intelligent, compared to non-asian women - generally speaking - but still. A whole 5-robot army in ONE NIGHT? Even designing one would take years, let alone building it.. but I'd settle for "a week" per robot - one night is too much of a stretch even for anime!)

I do like the movie - I just wish a lot of things would have been explained. I suffer from the illness of not being able to turn off my logical and critical thinking when watching a movie.. and that seems to be a prerequisite for watching almost any movie on this planet.. thankfully, I was still able to enjoy this crazy flick a lot. With explanations, the enjoyment would have been even better, though.

Oh, and I don't expect answers to these questions - they are meant more to provoke thought and make the reader think than a search for answers. I know those answers probably don't really even exist in any meaningful way.. so don't bother replying and trying to explain everything from your viewpoint - I would probably find flaws in your explanations anyway.


Well, the answer to most of your questions is, "It's a comedy, don't worry about it." A lot of the gags in this movie are little digs at the cliches that anime plays with- the bad cook, the sleepyhead who always has to rush to school, the girl with unexplained fighting powers. There are valid answers to a few of the things that confuse you though. And it's C-ko who's the irritating space princess, not B-ko. B-ko is the lesbian megalomaniac.

The earth people shoot at the aliens because they destroyed our space station, which was interpreted as an act of war. Actually, the alien captain was drunk and impatient so she blew it up to avoid negotiating.

Why all the women, and hardly any men? This was a movie made by a bunch of guys in their early 20's, who got into the anime business with softcore hentai. They made the kind of movie they'd want to see themselves.

The pilot of the plane A-ko straddles doesn't die, you can see his little parachute.


Well ... it is a cartoon ...
