who's the babe...

That looks like Sharon Stone...?

I know she was in one of the Police Academy flicks, but it wasnt this one.

She's the cadet who spends most of her either being very receptive or very cold toward (due to poor direction) the advances of Mahoney.

"It's just a movie" is no excuse for lazy filmmaking!


One of the movies had Sharon Stone in it, but she was a reporter, not a cadet. It was the fourth one.


And there is a blonde cadet in this one that thinks Mahoney is cute, but at first thinks he is a jerk.


That's the girl I'm thinking of. She looks like Sharon Stone, but it isn't her?

Do you know the girl's name, or the name of the character she plays (the girl in PA3, not Sharon Stone)?

"It's just a movie" is no excuse for lazy filmmaking!


Is it Shawn Weatherly as Cadet Adams you're thinking about?
Because I agree she was HOT!


Abit late yes but i think you're thinking of Kim Catrell

U club totin', meat eatin, me Tarzan u Jane-in, bubblehead who can only count to 10 if barefooted


