what IS this mess!?

so...the two "heroes" murder a guard to gain access to a door, which holds a fabulous golden chair. so AFTER stabbing the guard to death with his own blade and dumping him into the ocean like human garbage...what was the plan? grab a chair made of pure gold and swim for it? hello?? anyone?!

oh, and uh...DEFINE BAD EDITING/JUST GENERAL LACK OF FILMMAKING ABILITY: after the FIRST guard is murdered, ANOTHER is sent down, and so too is unceremoniously dispatched. our two thieving, murdering "heroes" climb back up the stairs the first came from, but NOW every single person on the boat is up there, and the two "heroes" just sort of walk into the rout. did the man who directed "Chinatown" REALLY direct this?? i mean, this is BAD, man. really, REALLY BAD.


That was the door to the armory, which they needed to arm the mutineers. No weapons, no mutiny.

You were trying so hard to hate the movie that you didn't bother paying attention to what was going on.


Yeah seriously, they kill people to steal their stuff, smh!
Unbelievable, those "heroes" are really acting like a bunch of pirates!

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


You sound like a social justice warrior. Stay away from pirate movies. Your safe space on campus will have appropriate viewing material for your sensibilities.


The two protagonists aren't meant to be heroes. They're pirates. At best they're what's called "anti-heroes," since their antagonists (the Spaniards) are arguably as bad if not worse.

In fact, the ending pretty much emphasizes how non-heroic they are. Captain Red betrays his crew (except Frog—and only because he needs him as a lackey) by escaping with the golden throne without them. Frog, who decided to help Red, loses contact with the love of his life. They're both shown stranded at sea, the throne utterly useless to them in their current predicament, and a shark is following them. If anything they're worse off at the end of the film than at the start.
