Why is this board empty?

I loved this movie as a kid when it came out and it still makes me laugh. The cute and fuzzy bunnies, the Godzilla suit, the little girls who's faces freeze... I fall into hysterics everytime. I actually prefer it to Better Off Dead which always gets more recognition.



Man, I never get tired of seeing this film. Just watched it today....what a great flick. Suprised to see that a commentary track was added to the DVD...really funny too. Too bad no deleted scenes were added.



It's just not that good a film. It's OK. It's likeable and kind of entertaining, but just not all that great.


Yeah,I think it's a great movie too."One Million Dollaaarrrssss!"What a crackup.I just want someone to answer MY post.


Why? It's a fun flick, but there just isn't that much to say about it.


One Crazy Summer is a film I could watch 5 times a day... and never get tired of it.

Cusack is great... Bobcat is hillarious... it has a fun plot... its just a funny movie.


sorry, loved it back in the day. Saw it recently -- sucked. Can not be mentioned in same breath as Better Off Dead.

What the *beep* is a Chinese Downhill?!?
