Stupid but still funny...

I liked this movie for its good cast of actors/actresses before they were known to be great. Most of the jokes were incredibly stupid and childish. But some parts made me LOL. Its a simple story of what happens after high school...that summer! Demi Moore is beautiful in the movie and John Cusack couldn't be funnier. As I get older I dont find it as amusing as I did when i was a kid watching it. But everytime its on tv (which is a lot) i have to watch it!!


This is a very good movie and I remember watching it back in the day on USA Network on a show called USA UP ALL NIGHT! Then there was also Comedy Central where they also showed this movie.

It was funny and good to watch.


Yeah! Up all night was cool with Gilbert Godfreid as the host on USA. I used to watch those horrible lousy movies he had on there all night long when i was a kid. I dont remember ever seeing one crazy summer on there but i remember there were some really weird ones. I wonder whatever happened to that guy?

"Man's reach exceeds his imagination..." - Hugh Jackman


Well if you want to take a walk back to memory lane go to the website that my friend and I created! I added yesterday morning video clips from the show. I have heard nothing but good response of me doing that. Yes he was a great host to watch on Saturday nights! I loved watching those horrible lousy movies as well! I started to watch this show when I was in high school and loved it!

I am not sure if they showed it or not but if I went to the page and talked about this TV show there was a reason for it and that was to get as many people who remembered watching USA UP ALL NIGHT! I wanted to see if people wanted to bring back the show again by signing a petition. Well Gilbert Gottfried is still working and I believe he is married and has a child as well.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Yeah I just signed the petition, hopefully we can make a difference and get this kick ass show back on the air!! lol

"Man's reach exceeds his imagination..." - Hugh Jackman


Hey thanks! I appreciate that! I would love to see this show on Friday and Saturday nights again you know!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!
