Did anyone else...

think it was weird that at the end of the movie Hoops says that his love story with Cassandra lasted all summer long. Yet, he never said what happened after summer, whether they broke up or what. I thought Hoops liked it in Nantucket & decided to stay there with Cassandra, George, Squid, Boscoe, Clay, Egg & Ack Ack.

For the record, Ben, I like the house.


im sure it was just a summer fling. george doesnt live on the island so they both we home on the mainland after summer ended. which sucks b/c hoops was king after the regatta. he prolly could have banged a ton of chicks including cassandra.


Actually, after that summer he freaked out, joined the army and became a hit man. That's what he did. Meanwhile, she went off to Georgetown, graduated, then developed a pretty bad coke problem and lost her apartment. She's friends now with a sax player, a writer, a politician and a nice jewish girl who married a guy named "Howie, who has a humongous career in the greeting card industry.

"She's, like, a biscuit older than me..."


Holy crap that's funny....


I don't think Hoops, Cassandra, Squid, Boscoe, and George stayed in Nantucket. The others, yes, because they lived there. But Hoops went to that Rhode Island School of Design, remember? And I'm sure Cassandra went back home too, since she was just there for the summer. Squid and her dog Boscoe had to go back to school next fall and I'm sure George had to go back and work somewhere. And I guess the reason Hoops mentions it lasted all summer long is that this was when the film took place. What happens after that is anybody's guess.


in the commentary, Savage Steve Holland says Hoops went to college
