Aged badly

This movie is almost 30 years old.

It doesn't work on any level at at his point. I was thinking of making gifs of out of few bits because they are hilarious in this day & age.

Even the closing song with Michael McDoobie is just laughable.


It's hilarious how unaware you are that your comment paints you as an immature child rather than being a useful comment about this movie.


Richard Gere and Kim Bassinger are very hot and the movie is very entertaining..
Why are zombies and super hero's and remakes and endless sequels considered more entertaining (and realistic?) to anyone with a brain?
It's entertainment ..There's good movies that are 50 years old..
It's possible to be a kid and like things that happened before you were born... because a lot of stuff did.


I just watched it for the 1st time in 15 - 25 years, and while it won't be ranked up there with Citizen Kane Or The Godfather, it is still very entertaining. And the steam between Kim & Richard is very, very captivating.
