Weird thing i noticed...

In the scene when the zombie that escapes from the lab pops up at Cynthia's window scaring the hell out of her, the first few frames you see him spring up he appears to be presenting her with a rose. When it cuts back to him (just before the slugs explode out of his head) there is not rose whatsoever.

Even weirder than the rose disappearing completely, is the fact that it would ever be intentionally included at all. Has anyone else noticed this weird little detail?


I just watched this a couple days ago and didn't notice him holding a rose. Will have to watch it again and look really hard for it this time.



He still has the rose in the closeup you just see the stem of it in his hand

You have the same scowl your mother had... When I banged her... After I pulled the plug.


The stem is visible but the rose is hidden behind the window's muntin bar.

What's weird is why a zombie stopped to pick a rose in the first place.

Who invited E.T. -?


He was still back in 1959 and thought it was still his girlfriends room

You have the same scowl your mother had... When I banged her... After I pulled the plug.


There is a deleted scene that shows him throwing a rock at the window and giving her the flower back in 1959, the 1986 scene would make a little more sense if that was included in the film.
