The guy playing the patrolman holding the searchlight in the police car was a porno actor. LOL!


Today when you hear "porno actor," one tends not to think of acting at all. In the days when Robert Kerman was doing flicks, porno movies were actual movies with plots and production values. That's not to say they were all great, but some were decent movies in thier own rite, and Kerman, like the more famous Jamie Gillis, was a legitimately good actor who just happened to get it on in some of his films. Unfortunately home video and Internet instant-gratification destroyed the legitimacy of the '70s/'80s porn-movie industry.


I thought he looked familiar. He played Mr. Greenfield in "Debbie Does Dallas." Have to agree with Vinnie. Those old 70s and 80s porno movies at least made an effort at some sort of plot. Now you just go to a web site and get right to the hard-core stuff. I've always enjoyed a bit of a build-up myself.


Robert Kerman is on Twitter. He's a nice guy and doesn't realize the appeal of Night of the Creeps

We can follow him @Robert_Kerman
