Allright for boys?

I'm guy and I liked this. I'm not gay or anything and I don't care for any of the toys. But I have to say for a children's movie this was good. I liked seeing the cute little ponies being chased by the smooze and I also liked that song the witches sang about being evil at the beginning of the movie. My favorite part of course was the shadow forest where the trees were throwing daggers. Anyhow I thought this was good enough to enjoy.


Ok he's going to kill me for putting this on the net BUT>>>>>>>>

my brother loved this movie nearly as much as I did when we were younger( not that he'll admit to it now tho) and even had some ponies himself :) and he knew all of the songs heehee

he's not gay either, just had to grow up with a my little pony mad older sister hahaha


I loved everything My Little Pony

but I am gay.


I worry for my lil bro then. LOL


When I was a lil I use to LOVE the movie.And I'm not gay.I loved it cuz when I was a kid I loved transformers and MLP.So I loved the mlp movie.


My next door neighbour (who is a guy) used to come over to my house on a saturday to watch My Little Pony with me and now we are older he's not gay, watching My Little Pony does not make a person gay.


Yeah...people forget things like My Little Pony and the Care Bears are created, written, directed, drawn, etc by grown men...many of who are straight I'm sure.



Fine by me. I liked it too.

My favorite part was the witches. They were hilarious! I loved the part when Witch Hilda (whatever), tortures her girls with ice cream. She turns red and explodes when they say they didn't get the phlume. Then she lifts them both over her head and throws them out the front door. Then, she calms down and smiles, "Ahh, kids."

That makes me crack up.

Brother Maynard, bring forth the holy hand grenade!


How insecure do you have to be to start a message with "I'm a guy and I liked this. I'm not gay or anything". I'm a guy and I'm 22 years old, I grew up with all the 80's cartoons, including My Little Pony. I'm not ashamed to say that I still love cartoons now and when I feel nostalgic, I'll watch this movie or Care Bears, Transformers, etc. I don't feel any obligation to butch up, or act like something I'm not.

"Oh, you look lovely this evening. Have you decreased in mass?


I loved this movie when I was a kid and I'm a guy. I still like it now. In fact I rented it the other day. I wish they would show this movie on TV more. I know kids would love it but the movie is so shelved and hidden nobody knows about it. I love Danny DeVito and Madeline Kahn.



Yeah, I'm pretty secure with myself! I admit, I used to watch My Little Pony, as well as Jem, Rainbow Bright, Huggabunch and Care Bears. Loved them, and I still think they are pretty cute shows of children in general. I think one of my favorites, to this day, has to be the Popples! LOVED the Popples! I loved all the cartoons back then. Yeah, also a big GI Joe fan, as well as M.A.S.K, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors and Inhumanoids! He-Man was one of my faves(I think the majority of my toys from back then had to be He-Man, Wheeled Warriors and Voltron). I don't think it was like it is now, where there's generally a big line between girls stuff and guys stuff. Back then a lot of cartoons were good for both boys and girls. I think the messages stand more true than cartoons nowadays. The messages about friendship and working together. I was just at the Teddy Ruxpin board and I remember stuff like that in those toons! Interestingly enough, I still have my old Popple stuffy(Puzzle), and I still have the My Little Pony my sister gave to me(Sky Dancer, I believe).


I think you hit the nail on the head! I used to babysit for a 5 yr old boy and his older sisters - 11 and 13. It was so difficult for the older ones to enjoy the boy's favourite cartoons because they were so 'boy' focused - bay bladez and dragon ball z. The cartoons I remember - dog tanyon (sp?), mysterious cities of gold, inspector gadget, he-man and thundercats to name a few - were easily watchable by girls and boys. Seeing them again as an adult I still enjoy them. I may be missing something, I know both genders enjoy pokemon for example, but it really isn't very good. All the message seems to be is one of consumerism 'gotta catch em all'. I know the toys of the 80's were also a little like this, ponies among the worst 3 - 5 'pose' variations and multiple choice colour schemes, but the message was as you mentioned one of co-operation not to collect.

