Did Johnny and Omar have sex?

In the opening day of the laundrette,they planed to have sex but were interrupted by the uncle.In the end of the movie,it is hinted that they will have sex after the bath.But in the time between,did they have sex?

Anyone had any idea?


who knows?


If they did, I'm really disappointed I didn't get to watch!

I got the impression that they hadn't yet.


If your question is Did they have sex during the course of the movie?, Yes. I'm pretty sure they had by the time they were remodeling.

1) Johnny licks Omo's face on the sidewalk, they are more than friends.

2) The scene in the back room on the day of the opening, watch it again. They are not overwhelmed with lust as if this were the first time. They look like people who are familiar with each other. This has happened before, and recently.

3) When Tanya asks Johnny to go with her, Johnny says "I can't leave him" He looks a little coy then says "You haven't touched him".

This is the sort of movie that doesn't spell things out for the audience, the audience is expected to think about what is shown on the screen.


It is indicated that they were intimately connected in the past, as Smeth points out - the face-licking; Johnny's idea that they "go now and do something. Just us" (excuse paraphrase!) when we first see them meet; and Omar's "Didn't I just predict this" when Johnny begins to undress him at the Grand Opening (seeming to indicate that he knows from experience what would cause Johnny to do something like that) all point that way. So it seems that, when scenes are ambiguous, the answer is more likely to be positive.

It seems to me that they definitely have sex in the backroom on the desk while Nasseer is dancing with Rachel at the front, and possibly after they have their argument in Johnny's room (the figure dressing in the window as Johnny walks out of the house looks an awful lot like Omar...). I'm not sure whether they do so after the bath - perhaps Omar's kiss on Johnny's shoulder suggests so?


The original draft of the script had several scenes where Omar stays over at Johnny's place which were cut from the final version.

So yeah I think its generally implied that they're sleeping together throughout the film.



sudriti- the scene you mentioned is the one the OP described in the first post (interrupted by uncle).


This wasn't Brokeback Mountain where nothing was left to the imagination. I think the writer and director wanted the audience to come to their own conclusions which I prefer. I don't care if you are gay or straight, the champagne scene was very sensual. Of course it's something I would love to do with DDL.


I agree: the champagne scene is one of the most sensuous and sexy I've encountered in a movie. I like Brokeback Mountain, but the spit-and-shove stuff (though faithful to the unsatisfying short story) is gross and doesn't make any sense. Yes, they were drunk, but even so, is this truly the first thing a man, previously unaware of his homosexuality, would suddenly desire in another man (outside of prison, of course)? The second tent scene, when they hold each other and kiss, seems a more realistic way to portray two men exploring one another's mutual attraction, especially for Ledger's character, who (as the dialogue suggests) was a virgin up until that point. Ang Lee could have gone more into that direction and been more effective, even though the film is much more romantic than the original story.
