Filming Locatons

I am planning to take a road trip to find these locations from the movie. Hopefuly the campground, the cocktail lounge, and all of that good stuff. Hopefully it is all still there! If anyone has any information as to where I could find some of these locations, send me a message, or respond to this thread. Thanks alot,


Did you ever find the locations for this film? I wonder if the cabins are still around 28 years later...


Filmed at old fishing cabins at Cross Lake in Shreveport,Louisiana. Jim McCullough Jr. told me in an email years ago that he doubts the cabins are still there.


I drove down the road where he said they filmed on, but couldn't find anything that resembled those cabins. It was 28 years ago, so I figured they've crumbled by now. OR....somebody completely remodeled them and they no longer look the same. Is Jim, Sr. still alive?


What made it work, the film, was that the cabins had the little trap doors and crawl space underneath, so that Evelyn could go from cabin to cabin & kill the people, one by one, or at least, let out snakes & roaches into the room! Think this will ever make it to DVD?!

"Now, I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a coupla titties!"
