Annoying Moments

Although I enjoyed the movie, there were a few things that annoyed me:

Prissy & that ear-splitting scream she emitted when Al came bursting through the door - c'mon, lady, get it together. Why do women always have to let out these blood-curdling screams?

Prissy hiding in the car. It's pouring down rain & the car windows are obviously up. Why must you start screaming "AL! AL!" First, why are you drawing attention to yourself? Do you want the killer to easily find you? Two, do you REALLY think Al is going to hear you? Um, wasn't he underground in the tunnels?

Prissy hanging onto Al for dear life at the end of the movie. Really, lady? You don't even know the guy & you act like you've known him for years!

Al & Crenshaw exploring the old woman's cabin & eventually the tunnels. If you suspect the killer is trapped down there, why would you announce your presence by shouting out, "Is there anybody there?" Shut up! I'd be as quiet as possible.

The woman who's husband was bitten by a snake - Evelyn attacked the woman & then escaped back down through the tunnel. Uh, didn't Al & Crenshaw just nail down the tunnel trapdoor a few minutes ago? So, how did Evelyn get back down in the tunnel? Osmosis?


I think in that room they just pushed the heavy dresser over the trapdoor planning to trap her down there. She was already in the room though and just moved the dresser after killng the couple.
