The Dishwasher

**Warning spoiler**

I liked the film but I was wondering about something. When Alex has cleaned the apartment she puts the scotch bottle she was drinking from and the phone she rang her ex on in to the dishwasher. Why not take the bottle with her and wipe down the phone? The police would then know she used the phone and wanted to hide her prints. Is it to show her fractured state of mind? Not quite sure.


Alex probably knew that the police would assume whoever the murderer was cleaned the apt because it was obvious, but not necessarily Alex. The det. has a line: "the apt(or killer)cleaned the apt like ..."


Did the police find Jackie through the phone? I can't remember been ages since I've seen it.


I dont' think the police even suspected Jackie. what do you mean? The phone was wiped clean of fingerprints in the dishwasher. I'm going to make a seperate thread about this.


I mean when they checked the victims phone records did they see that the last number dialled was to his car phone?


I see.

