Deleted Scenes

Like many other movies, scenes were deleted due to time restrictions for The Money Pit.
That's a real shame the DVD doesn't include them.

In 1996 ABC was showing the movie in primetime and to cover the timeslot in its entirety they added two deleted scenes!

I don't know if you saw those... Deleted scene #1 comes right after Jack the real estate agent is all happy that he sold the house. Walter and Anna are driving to their new home in the car that came with the bargin deal. Walter picks up Anna in his arms and enter. A few seconds later we can hear that the old Lincoln convertible backfires.

Deleted scene #2 comes right after deleted scene 1. The couple are in their living room lying down on the floor, drinking wine or something in little bottles (not glasses... are they THAT poor?) I remember vaguely what they were saying... but they decided to spend the night downstairs.
It's a shame that this particular scene was cut for the final film because the very first incident happens here. As they were going up for the bedroom the a step cracks down. That's because Walter, with Anna in his arms were staying on that step for too long.. and of course the staircase cannot handle a great deal of weight. Walter then decided to fix the stair the morning after. That's the reason why we see him fixing the step two scenes after this one, and the reason they spent the night in the living room. Makes sense, Anna tries the bed for the first time the day after. Walter refers to that step at the end of the movie, where he says that this was the step that started to turn to crap. In the Making of (on the DVD) director Richard Benjamin did say that the first incident was the step.

This aired on ABC in 1996 and I never saw those again.

Another deleted scene that I never saw ever was that Maureen Stapleton's character is showing the dining room to Walter and Anna. This happens right after the "Floor Polish" line. If you can hear it very closely, the voice is dubbed. While we hear "The Bedroom's up here", Stapleton actually says "The Dining Room is over there" at the shooting of the scene. the voice was easy to dub too because at the moment of the delivery of the line we cannot see her lips move from the camera angle. And then the deleted scene follows.

See this site
For pictures of the shooting of the deleted scenes. Some great stuff there.

I'm hoping someday a Special Edition of the Money Pit will come to DVD.... with the deleted scenes.


I used to have this movie on tape from WGN and they showed these deleted scenes too. There's another one you forgot to mention.

It was after Walter gets into a shouting match with Benny and Walter says if he doesn't loan him the money he'll not like him anymore. Benny says ok, Walter says thanks and we get this following dialogue.

Benny: And you like me?
Walter: Yeah!
Benny: See he likes me! Get it in writing.


Wow. I never heard or saw this one before. Awesome.


What are you guys talking about? I see those scenes everytime the film comes on HBO or TV.



I think I have an old dub from cable from like 15 years ago... I'll have to try and find it to seeif these scenes are on there.


I worked on the movie, and I can tell you that when Walter flails about covered in wet plaster, and all the scaffolding comes down....just before the scene ends when the statue pees on him....THE WHOLE BACK WALL FELL OFF THE HOUSE with Shelly Long looking out from one of the open rooms. I was around the front of the house, but I heard the crash. If you look can sense the edit right as the statue pees on him.

And I have the storyboard to prove it. There was a copy tossed in the trash on the set, so I saved it for posterity. THAT would be a hell of a deleted scene to put back in.


I saw those deleted scenes as well.Those are:extended verson of borrowing money from Benny,Couple pull up in an old Lincoln included in the deal,First night & Extended verson of trees tumbling down.The my be others but dont remember.Hopefuly They will be included when they release a Specical Edition DVD.



I can remember a couple of other deleted scenes too, because I also saw that primetime version

there was a small explanation given about the car from Estelle when they were driving out from the house when she was taking them back to the train station

also, when they were making out and those 4 workers were watching them, there was a little bit of dialogue that went on between them that was taken out for the DVD
