MovieChat Forums > The Money Pit (1986) Discussion > question about movie scene

question about movie scene

When Anna asked Walter to get the water, he fell through the floor to the main level, but at the same time, she unplugged the radial saw that guy was using to plug in her coffee, and then when she plugged it back in, all of a sudden, that power sander (or whatever that tool was) turned on, and then she plugged it in a second time (which confused me), and then that was when the statue urinated on him. Also, since when does a water statue run on electricity?

reply funny, I just switched over to this movie and it's at that exact spot. So, here's what happened.

She unplugs the table saw that is being used.
He falls through where the plank was removed and lands on the opposite end of the board that was supporting the table saw.
The table saw flies up and lands upside down.
She then plugs in another cord which, yeah, inexplicably turns the table saw back on. Maybe the first one went to multiple outlet which had the table saw plugged into it and in her confusion she grabbed the actual table saw plug and plugged it back in but my real guess is that we're just not supposed to think about that real hard.

As for the statue...they all run on electricity because they require a pump to move the water.

I'm your huckleberry...
