Unknown Songs

Got three unknown songs in the soundtrack that I hope those of you with DVD copies of the film can help me identify. They all take place before, and one during, the comedy segment as Walter tries to get a bucket of water during the construction on the house.

When he leans out the window in the beginning and gets hit on the head by the empty bucket, there is a mystery song playing that sounds like a Beach Boys tune.

As Anna opens the medicine cabinet without a backing and talks to the worker, there is a rock tune playing that isn't listed in the credits.

While Walter talks to the buff worker painting the room wall blue, another rock tune is playing in the background. I think a bit of lyric at the end sounds like "I'm a man of night" or something like that.

If you can identity these tunes, many thanks to you.

"Wherever You Go, There You Are." - Buckaroo Banzai
