Meryl Streep line

I've seen this movie a dozen times and there is a line in one scene that always perplexes me... When "Cheap Girl #1" tells Walter they want to change the name of their band to "Meryl Streep," it does not look like he is saying Meryl Streep. I swear it was dubbed in!! In fact, when Walter repeats it just a few lines later he is clearly not mouthing the words "Meryl Streep." (I know there is a common post-production movie practice in which the actors record alternate audio/lines.) I would still love to know what it originally was that they were saying...


I noticed that too! I wanna know what they said originally too and why they changed it. Anyone know?

"Hello, Joey, our little match-maker! I could just kiss you all over and I'm gonna!" - Janice


Me too. I've always wondered about that. Unfortunatly, I have no idea what was REALLY being said.


I just thought of something. Walter said "And considering your act, I can almost guarantee a giant lawsuit. Perhaps the original person they named was actually rather litigious and threatened to sue the movie if her name was mentioned. :)

I heard the same thing happened to Young Frankenstein over the Hedley Lamarr line, Heddy Lamarr wanted to sue for her fair share for the use of her name. Mel Brooks and everyone had so much respect for Hedy Lamarr they payed her, her fair share.


After careful examination, it almost looks like he says "Bulls**t". Well, that what it looks like to me anyway. I could be wrong, and probably am.


Wow. You think Brooks would have learned his lesson after Blazing Saddles.


I read the screenplay back when I worked on the film...and now I'm kicking myself to remember what that name was. (Unless I still have it in the attic someplace...)


What did you do on this film? I would love to hear about some backstage dirt if you'd care to share.


I was a Production Assistant on a lot of the days they shot at that house in the country. (I'm not on the end credits, though.)

No gossip....however, I myself directed Shelley Long when she pulls up in the truck to the house at night. She was sitting with the walkie talkie on her lap, and she couldn't understand director Richard Benjamin saying through his that she should have a horrified look on her face. I was near the waiting truck (driven by the Teamster head on the film, and he gets that line on camera) so I went up to her window...knocked on it...and said "Horrified!" She then gets it, and speaks into the walkie talkie: "Oh, horrified...i got it!"

And i didn't get an assistant directing credit either....

