MovieChat Forums > The Money Pit (1986) Discussion > Need help - Title of similar movie???

Need help - Title of similar movie???

There's another 80's comedy with a similar plot -- Young couple goes to look at a huge, beautiful house for sale and as the owner takes them through the house they can't find anything wrong with it, but whenever they remark on something they like about the house, the owner keeps saying, "You like the that? ...I'm taking it with me."

I can't think of or find the title of that movie for the life of me. Can anyone help??? ...Seems like it might be another Tom Hanks movie, or maybe Chevy Chase, but I'm not sure.



I believe you are talking about a Chevy Chase movie called "Funny Farm". It was filmed in 1991.


I'd like to know the answer to OP's question as well. I don't believe it's Funny Farm - in Funny Farm we never see the previous owners of the house.


Moving???? with Richard Pryor


I think you're right CandyLand... Thanks!

I miss Richard Pryor... he was a funny guy...



I'll second that!
Quote is definately from Moving. I seem to recall the previous owners even took the swimming pool leaving huge hole in the patio!


wasn't it a Danny Glover film? wasn't 80's either but can't find it myself!!!

Gimme the keys! I'll drive...


It was Richard Pryor
