Blu-ray or DVD?

Does anyone own either and has a recommendation? I saw this movie while a student at LMU and really enjoyed it. I was looking online for copies to buy and saw that there is a 2-disc special addition with bonus features and a blu-ray with nothing listed. Does the blu-ray really come with nothing extra? I always like special features and remember watching the making-of on the VHS tape. How good is the dvd quality? Do you think it'll upscale nicely on a large HDTV? I'm torn to have to pick between quality or bonus content. It's hard for me to believe that blu-ray wouldn't include the material from the special edition discs.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Tua Luce Dirige


The Blu-ray has the same features as the DVD.

"Be sure you're right, then go ahead."
Davy Crockett


Blu Ray to get the most out of the cinematography.

Its that man again!!
