Dreams quote

I don't have this film any more, but I am trying to remember a quote from it.
Juliette Binoche in conversation with Denis Lavant, she is talking about dreams. She mentions something about "people in your dreams - you should tell them when you wake... I dreamt about you last night..."

Can anyone give me the full correct quote please?


That quote is actually from "Les Amants du Pont-Neuf", when Michele visits Alex in Prison. She says:

"Thought I'd forgotten you. But every night for weeks... images of you. That's why I'm here. My dreams sent me. People in dreams, ought to call them when you wake. Make life simpler. "Hello, dreamed of you." Love woke me."


Thanks very much for that. And that is so odd the way the mind (or my mind!) can sometimes make one think otherwise. I've seen "Les Amants du Pont-Neuf" many many times and have it on dvd too - but I was still convinced, for some reason, the quote was from "Mauvais Sang"!

Lovely evocative quote though. I love the sentiment and sentimental meanings in those words. Very reminiscent of Leos Carax and early Juliette Binoche too.

Incidentally I think my favourite moment and quote from "Mauvais Sang" (and I know this one was DEFINITELY in this film!) was Juliette's face after she felt the heat of the night on the pavement. Her lovely lovely features reacting as she softly intoned "c'est incroyable!"


Yes there was such spontanaeity and youthful vitality in that moment. Wonderful. Indeed Binoche's face is a vital cinematic instituion in itself. If incidently you yearn for early Binoche, check out Le Voyage du Ballon Rouge - it is a real throwback to her early persona... full of energy, but tinged with sadness!
