
Im really confused, its set in europe.. but its all dubbed?
Is everyone speaking chinese, and its just the english version im watching that has the dubbing.

Or was it made for the west, with english speaking only?
Its just weird that african characters and german people are talking with dubbed voices, yet if you watch their lips it looks like their speaking english.


Yes it's dubbed, the stupid americans think everyone is illiterate like them and don't know how to read subtitles, that's why they force the whole world with their stupid dubbed films, so it's even imposible to get original chinese copie of Jackie chan movies anywhere in the world.
I would not mind if at least translations was good, but it's far from it.


so it's even imposible to get original chinese copie of Jackie chan movies anywhere in the world.

No it's not.
You can get them from Asia with the original soundtrack and subtitled.
I have several "original" cuts of Jackie's moives on DVD, this being one of them.
Not only do they have the original soundtrack, but also scenes removed for the west.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


That signature. *high five*

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


May is Spanish, and her father Croatian!
I don't know what they were talking on the set, maybe just moving their mouths.
