MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Discussion > In real life Daniel would had lost all h...

In real life Daniel would had lost all his fights

In part 1: Daniel vs. Johnny and the Cobra Kais

Daniel got only approx. 2 months of training.
Johnny and the Cobra Kais had at least some of years of training.

In part 2: Daniel vs. Chozen

Daniel now with 8 months worth of training.
Chozen was a master with training from since childhood and with the same style Daniel used. (Miyagi's father trained both Miyagi and Sato. Sato trained Chozen)

In part 3: Daniel vs Mike Barnes

Daniel now with a year of training.
Mike with black belt and many years of training.

YES, I know it's movies and in movies like this the good guys always win, despite impossible odds. (It would't be much fun if the good guys always lost, right?)

But if this was in real life, Johhny, the Cobra Kais. and Mike would had kicked Daniels a$$. Chozen would had killed him within 10 seconds.


But if this was in real life, Johhny, the Cobra Kais. and Mike would had kicked Daniels a$$. Chozen would had killed him within 10 seconds.

That's why these movies should be listed under comedy/fantasy. Unbelievable events take place...


1) The Cobras were losers only capable of bullying.

2)I don't think Sato was as trained as Miyagi, and Chozen looked like the bad copy of Sato. Both didn't get the "spiritual" meaning of karate.

3) Still, Miyaigis' secret karate was something different from the other styles.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


Thats what i was thinking, great minds think alike.


Both didn't get the "spiritual" meaning of karate.

Mr. Sato was praying in a small temple before his grudge match with Miyagi, who was trying to score one last septuagenarian roll in the hay before death.


He was praying because he knew he had no chance against the superior Miyagi

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Miyagi Karate defense. Johnny, Chozen and Bad-Boy Barnes used karate offense.

None of them waxed on or waxed off. And even Silver taught Daniel to bust up his balsa dummy. Made knuckles bleed. Hey, I like that!

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


I agree 100% on Chozen. That should not have even been a fight. Understanding the spiritual meaning or not would only have relevance if they were close in skill.


Have you ever done Karate?
Because you seem to have no understanding whatsoever.

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Hahahahaha waxed on, waxed off :) hahahahahahaha I love Mr. Miyagi :)


It is kind of interesting how Daniel would end up winning!
In the first one, Johnny basically ran face first into Daniel's foot.
In the second one, Daniel basically smacked Chozen in the face a few times before doing that nose thing which somehow knocked him out for good.
In the third one, he ends up winning by starting off with that silly kata, before doing a judo move to win.


Did you watch the first movie. He beats everyone of them except Bobby who is disqualified. He then scores 2 points against Johnny before the Crane kick.

The second movie he beats Chozen to a pulp. The nose thing was neither here nor there, Chozen was all done in.

The third movie he flips Barnes with a typical Karate throw (there are plenty of these moves in Karate).

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


The NEXT karate kid would have kicked ALL their asses - even Will Smith's kid. She had the mad skills.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Not true gabby. Daniel looked like an insect. No way Julie-san would have harmed him after what happened at the temple.

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


But Daniel-san treated Mr. Myagi with disrespect at the beginning of KK2. That might have been enough for Julie-san to defend her teacher's honor- even with a gnat like Daniel-san.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


True. She was more skillful as well. Daniel would have gone into Crane kick stance while Julie would have crouched on the floor before jumping and kicking Daniel in the face thus countering the (no can counter) Crane kick!!!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Unless... Daniel-san could have gone into his "Gymkata" gymnastics floor routine right before his super-powerful double-handed bitch slap drum technique. But we know that Miyagi would never approve of Daniel-san bitch-slapping an actual bitch so that could never happen.
And this post is all about what would be "in real life".

Oh- and did i mention that Julie-san would have to be in your "crouching Tiger face-kick" stance in order for Daniel-san to even REACH her face in order to double-handed bitch-slap her? Otherwise, he'd be Gymkata-ing to Julie-san's belly button.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Maybe he could have mesmerised her with the kata before flipping her for the coup-de-grace. It worked on Barnes!


Terry Silver beats them all with one hand tied behind his back, using nothing but the Quick silver method.


my 17 tear old son studies TDK, and in his first tournament (all state midwestern MMA, with students from 6 states)won gold medals in forms, olympic sparring and weapons,(and he hadnt really practised with the katana-his thing is nunchuks, but he won gold against someone 31 years old who has studied for years.) against opponents of higher belts, older in age and experience. he almost made junior champion, but took silver in that event. and he has only studied for about 7 months.

so it is quite possible for someone with less experience to beat someone with years of training....i think it all hinges on the master and his teaching and philosophy.

"Ooh!Pass the popcorn! This is gonna be good!"


Eh, he might, and that's a substantial might, of had a shot against Johnny, against Barnes and Chozen, though? Not a chance in hell, especially Barnes, that kid was a stone cold psycho.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."


No, he was a rule breaker who took cheap shots in competitions. Furthermore assessing Daniels chances against him and basing them on the Daniel we see in KK3 is hardly a fair marker. Daniel was wimped back further than before we met him KK1, which in reality doesn't seem possible.

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


As much as I love Daniel and these films I have to admit that his karate in all of the films wasn't that great, he had more of a passing knowledge of it, even Miyagi tells him that he doesn't know enough but to rely on the quality of what he does know so my assessment of his skills is taking into account his performance in all three films.

As for Barnes and his skills I was thinking more along the lines of the scene when Daniel confronts him for the first time in the Bonsai shop when he kicks Jessica in the stomach, he clearly has a wide threshold for pain ("Don't do that.") and has enough skill and aggression to easily defeat Daniel, in the tournament he was instructed to take cheap shots to keep the score 0/0 until sudden death.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."


The strike that smashed the dummy and the punch that broke the guys nose would have had the same effect on Barnes. He was flesh and bone! The difference between the two is Daniels character became a frightened child in this movie. Considering what he had previously been through this is laughable to say the least!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


I wonder if someone who knew karate ever got in a fight with Ralph Macchio. That would be hilarious.


All of them did kick Daniel's a$$, repeatedly. In the final fights, the one victory I thought was plausible was Barnes. Barnes intentionally didn't win so he could punish him, but Barnes made one mistake at the end of the fight that cost him the win. I could see that happening, but if he fought fairly, he would've smoked Daniel easily.


When did Tommy,Bobby, Jimmy or Dutch for that matter kick Daniels ass?

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


dutch beat him so bad they had to award daniel the win as soon as he won a point.



Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


I think the reason Daniel was able to defeat the cobras was because of the karate method, I mean we see Miyagi fight Kreese twice in the Karate kid saga and both times was able to handle him easily which means his skills were more superior than Kreese's which I believe outweighs the experience that the Cobra Kai kids had over Daniel. When the Cobras are able to land good shots on Daniel at the tournament that's the experience talking but when Daniel wins I think it was the overall karate method talking.


Careful Jason. There are those on these boards would deem what you wrote as heresy!

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Oh no, wouldn't want to piss them off.


It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!
