MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Discussion > Proof: Chozen and Sato were the heroes

Proof: Chozen and Sato were the heroes

In the KK II the only two people who were dishonored were Chozen and Sato.

Chozen was when Danielle broke the weight at the vegetable stand so Chozenwas shown that he was giving the villagers more money then what their produce was worth. Okinawans have too much pride to be given a gift like that so Chozen wanted to give it to them without their knowing,

Sato was dishonored by Miyagi many years ago when Miyagi stole Sato's arranged wife.

At the very end of the movie during the closing credits the predominant words in the song "Glory of Love" is "I am the man who will fight for your honor" Neither Miyagi nor Danielle were dishonored during the movie so the song was written about Chozen and Sato, hence they were the heroes of the movie.


So Chozen was dishonouring the villagers by giving them something they hadn't earned. When they found out he had cheated the weights he caused them to feel worthless as they realised he was helping them and they weren't succeeding, they were failing. If they had known the truth to start with they might have worked harder instead of sitting on their laurels. BASTARD!


Maybe it was about Daniel fighting for Kumikos honor? Huh did ya ever think of that??


That's too tacked on. Family honor was the theme of the movie.


Her families honor lol


Sato was dishonored by Miyagi many years ago when Miyagi stole Sato's arranged wife.

Don't forget, Miyagi Sr. was also dishonored and that he trained Sato. Sato's rage was not just about the hurt and shame he himself endured but also the suffering he witnessed by the whole Miyagi clan as well as the village.

Miyagi's treachery had long lasting effects on many people and Sato wanted to make things right by killing him. If that doesn't make Sato a hero, then I don't know what does.


....and then he asked Miyagi to forgive him. What am I missing here?

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


I don't consider any man who hits a woman a hero and don't try to cover it up.


Is a guy fighting for the honor of a woman a dated concept?


The villagers were paying Chozen for the vegetables, he rigged the scale to get more money, not give away money. That wasn't Chozen's character. Look how pissed he was when Daniel broke all the ice. He didn't even help the kid caught in the storm. Chozen was a dick.


The notion that Sato is a heroic character is valid one. But every film like this has to have a villain, and that was Chozen, because he loses to the main protagonist at the very end.

"The sun is shining...but the ice is slippery."


Please explain how's threatening to level the village with dozers heroic? Also, how's driving fishermen out of business by monopolizing fishing and turning ex-fishermen into his veggie garden slaves considered heroic? Sato was doing that for almost 50 years. Nobody was happy with that arrangement, and many left to find better future elsewhere. So Chozen who only rigged the scale and beat up annoying Daniel cannot possibly be worse villain than his tyrant uncle who was terrorizing the village for decades just because he could.


Also Ben, let's not forget that Chozen was only the way he was because of his Uncles influence.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


Sato changed his ways after and during the storm. He realized there is no reason for hate. It doesn't make up for the previous decades of his life, but it's a step in the right direction. Chozen is the one who remained vengeeful until the very end.

"The sun is shining...but the ice is slippery."


Seeing as he was brought up that way ALL of his life, what can one expect? Then the man responsible basically disowns him!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


yep, Chozen really got a major shaft in the movie. However, the lack of sympathy that the movie has for him (we were meant to think that his disowning by Sato and humilation by Daniel were good things) actually made his sympathetic. The guy really had no to make an aboutface. Nobody saved his life, so he didn't have to be greatful, his uncle disowned him while favoring people he a) hated a minute ago and b) drilled Chozen to hate probably ever since Chozen was a child. So all in all, he was Sato's victim and yet the movie failed to recognize that. Moreover, that directly contradicted "no bad student only bad teacher" rule, which was a stupid rule to begin with, but they never allowed themselves to openly dispute its validity. They merely broke it here for the sake of doing something different from KK - in KK it was student who changed his attitude (also quite suddenly w/o much build-up), not teacher, here they made a reversal so we don't notice KK2 wasn't a real sequel but much inferior remake of KK.


Changing ways does not equal heroic. Over the course of the movie he didn't do a single thing that could be even loosely considered an act of heroism. Also, his changing ways within few seconds/minutes only shows that he was inconsistent and couldb't be trusted. He hated Miyagi and then suddenly decided to sing Kumbaya. Then he immediately disowned his nephew just because, for the first time ever, his nephew refused to do what he was told. And that refusal was actually vaid because:

a) why didn't parents of that stupid kid on the bell tower risk their necks for their kid? Where were those f^^kers?

b) situtation was too dangerous and refusing to climb the tower during a thunder storm wasn't a sign of cowardace but common sense. Especially taken into consideration that even immediate family didn't volunteer to do it.

c) who the hell lets a kid ring a typhoon alert bell? seriously, were we really supposed to sympathize with these retarded Ewoks?

So, all in all, Sato was a fickle moron who changed his mind ONLY when it suited him.


I've never noticed that. I have always thought that the villagers were selling the vegies. I'll have to re watch it.


Chozen was played by Yuji Okumoto and Sato was played by the late Danny Kamekona. Did they know karate? Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita did not.


Please tell me you people are joking!!!!!

Chozen had false weights or something on there so the villagers would get LESS money!!!! Why else would they go balistic when they realised what he was doing, they wouldnt go balistic if he was giving them more money.

Miyagi didnt steal his wife, what is wrong with you people??????
Miyagi and the woman loved each other but then they were told she was going to have to marry Sato & she didnt love him!!!! Miyagi left the village because he loved her & didnt want to see her marry his best friend. Sato demanded Miyagi for a fight for the girl but Miyagi said no cos he was his best friend & left. Sato felt miyagi dishonoured him by refusing hence him trying to get him to fight.
The woman miyagi loved even says she didnt marry Sato or anybody because she still loved Miyagi.
I reallt think you either joking or your all seriously crazy

