The Uncle


****May Contain Spoilers****

At the very beginning we see a grumpy uncle
yelling at the children, to come out from hiding.

Is that him we see again later on?

He looks all burnt!

And he's laying on the ground talking,
but we can't hear what he's saying.

It's such a creepy, weird scene.
What does it mean?

Is he really talking, or is it all
just inside Florya's head?

Was that scene supposed to be Florya
finding his uncle dead?



The man wasn't Flyora's uncle, but village elder, appointed by Germans. In the beginning of film, we see him trying (in vain) to stop the boys from looking for weapons, because he knew that it means death for his village's people. He scolded the boys using the saying "those who don't listen to *uncle* (friendly advice) will "listen" to cane (beatings"). While murdering the villagers, Germans doused the elder with gasoline, and set him in fire.

The scene was real, supposed to show Flyora's shock and despair, for he felt himself responsible for the plight of his village, and deaths of its people, and his family. The severely burned elder (his name was Yustin) was saying something like: "I told you... told... you ... don't... don't dig...", and how the Germans burned him alive.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking



Thank you very much, Aliza_tvito,
for explaining all of that.
Wow- what an extremely disturbing scene!

Why did digging for weapons
put everyone in danger?

I guess the Germans saw
that as a major threat.

wouldn't Yustin be in severe pain?

Just the sight of him laying there all burned,
and still talking... freaked me out.



/I guess the Germans saw that as a major threat./

They did, for a good reason. With a gun, the boy could have been accepted into "forest", that means into partisans' ranks. The partisans posed a major threat for a Germans indeed, even more than the very Soviet Army then. As a result of German advances, their communications were overstretched, thus becoming vulnerable.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking


The man wasn't Flyora's uncle, but village elder, appointed by Germans.

How do you know he was appointed by the Germans?

It seems that I missed a lot of details in this movie. Maybe my (French)subtitles were not very good.


I have to use subtitles to understand what he is saying during this scene because the music drowns him out a bit.
