MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1986) Discussion > There never should have been sequels

There never should have been sequels

This film ended leaving nothing open for a sequel, it was screaming no sequels. Should have been a stand alone movie, sequels where not needed, and they just ruined everything about the first film.


Though I liked the TV series, it bugged me especially because it totally ignored the ending of the original and tried to explain it away as a dark quickening or an extra-powerful quickening due to the Kurgan's super-high body count. II and III were bad, they at least didn't ignore that Connor thought he was the last remaining immortal.


I remember reading before the start of the Highlander TV series, The producers said that Duncan's story is an Alternate Timeline . If you can accept that , then all the sequels are alternate timelines.


The timeline in the original Highlander film was fairly fragmented. They should have had a prequels filling in some gaps. The 1st could be about an adventure (to complete his training) Ramirez and Mac had in between his initial training and when the Kurgan showed up. it would take place completely in the past, which is what fans always wanted.

It could have explained why he Connor was not present when Kurgan stormed his castle. Flashbacks could have been showing Connor after being banished, meeting Heather, etc. Perhaps a b-story could show Kurgan's origin and his meeting of Ramirez and eventual pursuit of Connor MacLeod. Ramirez's origin maybe shown too and his seeking of Mac.

Next prequel would show his leaving the Highlands and journeying the world through out the centuries. This is where Duncan could be introduced, that way they could have the tv show, but have it as a prequel to the first movie. The movie could end with him setting up shop in NYC.

All good things must come to an end - Chaucer


A Prequel would have been interesting

The TV was good and I try to pretend it's spin off and not connected with the movies

Connor never should have returned. he won the prize and his story was over


The TV was good and I try to pretend it's spin off and not connected with the movies.

Same. I see the show as set in an alternate universe where there are immortals, but the Game is still going on. Just like I see The Raven spin off as Dread Cthulhu *beep* with Highlander fans everywhere.


An "interquel"

Please stop.
