MovieChat Forums > Heartburn (1986) Discussion > The Nora Ephron Movie That Wasn't

The Nora Ephron Movie That Wasn't

Nora wrote the screenplay, and there's a lot of Ephron here, but most of it struggles to get out thanks to Mike Nichols' rather plodding direction. And I'm a Nichols fan; the mystery is why this story, which seems tailor-made for him, never comes alive. Was it just a matter of chemistry, or what?

All the eccentric nuances that distinguish the main characters as real people and that make an Ephron movie so unique just come off as quirks here. Streep does what she can with the material, but she's framed with such detachment that she just comes across as thrashing around. What I think I'm trying to say is that Ephron's stories are totally character-driven, and that requires a level of intimacy that's completely missing here.

Still very much worth watching, though.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


I'm sorry Gnolti, but I have to disagree with you.
I love this movie, the acting, the direction, etc...


You're free to disagree, but I did take the trouble to explain in detail why I came to the conclusion I did.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


I have commented many times about HEARTBURN and felt that it could have been a better movie. There were some good scenes that, I felt, were never carried out such as the scene later in the movie when Rachel (Meryl Streep's character) threatens Mark (Jack Nicholson's character) by saying that she is going to get all the dirt about his mistress into a gossip column. Anyway, for what it is worth, I want to mention that some people who did not like HEARTBURN said it had to do with the writing and that Nora Ephron based the characters "too close to home." Also, I read that Carl Bernstein (Ephron's ex-husband and of whom the Mark character was based) was outraged that he was to be portrayed as the heavy in this movie and did everything in his control to downplay the bad behavior of his character. Hence, the movie suffered from constant re-writes. Furthermore, the movie was not helped by the fact that Mandy Patinkin was fired after one day and Jack Nicholson was called in on short notice to replace him. Casting may have been part of the problem. I remember my Dad saying some years ago that Dustin Hoffman would have been a better choice for the Mark character. After all, Dustin Hoffman did portray Carl Bernstein in ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN. Anyway, my point is that HEARTBURN was a troubled project when it was being filmed.


This film is proof that only Ephron can direct Ephron. Even MIKE NICHOLS can't do Ephron properly.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


In spite of whatever story\writing issues the film may have been plagued with, there is an aloof charm that carries this film to it's liberating, (for want of a better term), conclusion. I get the feeling, that all involved, actually had a wonderful time working on this production and I put much of that down to a reserved wit and it's heart being in the right place. I went in with preconceived notions and judgements about the film and it's characters; but ended up being pleasantly surprised, entertained and involved.

I find this film, an 80's 'guilty pleasure'and Mike Nicols' direction was unpretentious. He scored another bulls-eye 2 years later, with another easygoing and somewhat inspiring charmer WORKING GIRL-88'. Pity he had to cast Harrison Ford as the male lead.
