Wedding Ring

I am trying to find the quote where Meryl Streep takes her ring to the jeweller and tells him he can buy it because it doesn't fit with her life anymore. Can anyone help?


You alWays loved this ring.
- I knoW.

So hoW did you like the necklace?
The necklace?

I'm thinking of another customer.
No, you're not.

I thought Mark had bought a birthday
present When I Was in the hospital.

He shouldn't have done that.

I shouldn't have said anything.

Oh, no, it's OK, Leo. At least
I noW knoW What to be prepared for

Nothing Worse than opening
a box With a necklace,
When you're not in the mood for one.

When have you ever not been
in the mood for a necklace?

I can think of circumstances
Where I might not be.

Really? All done.

HoW much?

No charge.

HoW much Would you give me for the ring?

You don't really Want to sell it?

I really Want to sell it. Do you really Want to buy it?

I alWays told you I'd buy this ring from you.

Well, I love the ring, Leo, but it just...

It doesn't go With my life noW.
It Wouldn't have been stolen in the first
place if I didn't Wear it on the subWay.
If you have a ring you can't Wear on
the subWay, you pretty much have to
take cabs all the time.

And then, before you knoW it,
We're broker than We already are.

Mark. He's such a romantic.
He must have spent every penny of his savings on that necklace.

For the doWn payment.

For the doWn payment.

It's a beautiful necklace.

HoW much for the ring?

"You're watching too much Sopranos, when you give your kids their allowance in envelopes"
