Sailor on the bus

Cheap shot at making Naval personnel out to be homosexual.


not really...i got the impression the sailor was trying to stare down a marine and changed his mind when he saw highways medals...

-I'm The Police Chief, I Know Everything-



Technically the Marines are under the Department of the Navy. Ask any Marine how he likes being in the Navy and see how fast you get your ass kicked.

I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.


Wow. Waaaay off the mark.

Highway was reading a women's magazine at the time, remember? The sailor was eyeballing him because of that, not because he wanted to do him.

Where do you come up with such crap, anyway?


The way it was shot... with him eyeballing Highway, and also happening to be in a Naval uniform, came together quite poorly.

That's where I got that "crap" from, kiddo.


Something that should be remembered is that inter-service rivalry was at an all time high and culminated during the invasion of Grenada. The sailor is staring at the marine bacause he was reading Bazaar. If he was doing anything, he was challenging/mocking Highway's masculinity. That is why the sailor turned so quickly when Highway lowered the magazine and showed his ribbons.


I have that rivalry in my own family. My older son was a Marine and did 4 active and 4 inactive and was in the first wave into Iraq in 2003.He completed his duty hitch last year. In the meantime my younger son joined the Navy and is now in his 3rd year along with his wife, also in her 3rd year. I hear that rivalry all the time when we all get together. The wives and I just stand back and let them go at it and laugh.


My step dad was a Navy lifer; he retired as a Senior Chief. When I graduated high school, one of my best friends enlisted in the Marine Corp. The Chief's response, "They are a part of us we aren't a part of them!"

Best Wishes,



You mean Master Chief. My father was one also.


I know a couple of co-workers who argue about that. The ex-Navy guy likes to have people remind the ex-Marine that the Marine Corp is part of the Department of the Navy. The ex-Marine always replies "yeah, it's the Men's Department".

I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.


I was born in 1970 and both my Mother and Father were squids. I had an Uncle who was in the Marines. Back then, you had to be 10y/o to get you dependant I.D. card and by the time of my 10th birthday my father had retired for almost 5 years. When the big day arrived, we made the 70 mile trip to the closest base. Before we got there, we stopped to eat and I spilled my drink, most of it on my shirt. Luckily, I had spent the night before at a friend's house and had an extra shirt with me, one that my cousin had given me for my birthday. I thought the gold looked cool but I couldn't understand why my dad got so mad when I asked him what an USMC was.

Needless to say, a week later we made the trip over again but with one major difference, we ate after the picture was taken.



Sorry, lol couldn't resist. Anger Management :-P


Hey man, I get you, go ahead and let it out. I just have one question, are you screaming because you were in the invasion or is it because you bought one of those Ford Grenadas? Either way, go ahead, let it out. It's over now. Just be glad there was no island of Pinto. I JUST TOUCHED IT AND IT WENT BOOM!!!!!!
