Not on DVD?

Why is "Ginger e Fred" not on DVD? I bought a copy on VHS tape years ago, but would love to see a DVD release of this bittersweet gem. There simply has never been another presence on film the likes of Giulietta Masina. She reminds me of a combination of Charlie Chaplin and Lucille Ball; her face is joy itself.

Thankfully we can watch her incomparable performances of "La Strada," "Giulietta degli Spiriti," and "Le Notte di Cabiria" on DVD--but this one is really long overdue!



guess what. it will be released in march. check


I think he meant in R1.


Does region coding matter to anyone anymore? No one in Europe takes any notice we buy DVDs in the global market place and I know multi region players are available in the USA.


It's been released on DVD in Mexico by the distributor Quality Films. I just bought it yesterday for 3 bucks (32 pesos mexicanos) in a Quality Films DVD Sale Out in Wal-Mart.

I ignore if Quality Films has a website or if in it they sale their titles, but you can go check it out, and if you don't care the regional coding, it'll hopefully have subtitles in English and you'll be able to have it.



Ginger and Fred will be released by Warner Brothers for R1 on February 13th, 2007.


I got the DVD. The print is very nice and colorful. The widescreen image crops off a bit on the top and bottom due to the fact that the 1.66 image is slightly overmatted at 1.85. The biggest problem is that the english subtitles leave out quite a bit of what is being said. I don't speak italian and there are many, many lines delivered with no subs. It's frustrating. that said, it's the best version you can get for now. Too bad the English dub was not offered on a separate track. A wonderful movie and my Fellini collection is happier now. It's very unlikely we'll see a better version anytime soon.
