MovieChat Forums > Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (1986) Discussion > Kind of made Tommy unlikable in this...

Kind of made Tommy unlikable in this...

...I didn't like the Tommy character in this as much as the previous two films because he's essentially responsible for all of the deaths in this film because he dug Jason up. If he would have kept him buried then none of this would have happened.

They could have had someone else dig him up like in the dream sequence in the beginning of part 5 and maybe have Tommy come back to try to defeat him but in this one Tommy felt like the bad guy.


Yeah, it kinda sucks that Tommy is responsible for bringing Jason back. But he spends the entire film trying to make up for that mistake.
I actually prefer Thom Matthews as Tommy, he probably cant fight as well as Tommy in part 5 but he definitely has more balls.


Yep. From here on out it is all Tommy's fault. If he had truly been rehabilitated, he would have accepted things as they were.

Sail away tiny sparrow...


Yeah, it's true, it's Tommy's fault but he really does try to make up for it throughout the film.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Yes, Tommy is responsible for reviving Jason and the victims but like couple of you mentioned, he made up for his mistake and succeeded.


Tommy admitted to Megan that he felt responsible for the deaths so far when she met him at the store


Completely disagree that Tommy "felt like the bad guy." Maybe he was an idiot and a bit crazy for what he did but that doesn't make him the bad guy or villain.

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


You don't think they made him unlikeable in the 5th movie where he became JASON's successor at the end?
