Please help me....

I first saw this movie as it aired on tv for the first time and I was like 8 or 9. I didn't think that a movie could leave such an impression on a kid at that age but it sure changed my life. I am now 25 and have only seen it that one time. I still get goosebumps as I think about the way it affected me. You see, I am an actor now and this is the movie that kicked off my obsession with movies. The only thing I remember is a cave and I think the first time they met. I have only seen it once and I love it even to this day. I was in an acting class and this guy spoke up about how he was in this movie called Fire with fire and I immediatly went over to talk with him about it and to tell him the profound affect it had on me. You fans of this movie should have seen how his face lit up when he spoke of his experience while filming. It appears that the cast loved making the movie about as much as I loved the one time I watched it. Unfortunatly, he left before I had a chance to get his number. me find this movie. I live in Vancouver and I can't seem to find it ANYWHERE.



Wow, really, Wal-mart? I'll go check it out today. Thank you very much for the tip, I appreciate it.


Hi - if you are still looking for a copy of Fire with Fire I have transferred a copy onto region free DVD - you can contact me at [email protected]


Ebay for sure!!!!!


You can also try amazon as well. Good luck I hope you find it!!!


Ii got it off of ebay for $8 including s/h.


I'll make you a copy if you can send me a tape and pay the shipping.


Since you live in Vancouver, have you thought of acutually going over to BC to the locations that the movie was filmed in. You should and take pictures and post them for the Fire with Fire fans.


Hi there. It is now on Netflix instant watch.
