Awful Esquire edits

I caught some of this on the Esquire channel last night and the edits were terrible. Just in the 30 or so minutes I saw:

1. When Rooney confronts the young woman at the video game who's wearing the same jacket, he says "your ass is mine" in the movie. Esquire dubbed it to "you're mine," which makes the scene nonsensical because why then would he stand there like an idiot while she takes the time to spit soda in his face?

2. They took out the entire final part of the Art Institute trip, where Cameron stares at the Seurat long enough to identify with the upset child holding her mother's hand and being ignored. It's the whole setup to his later breakdown!

3. The entire scene picking up the sports car from the downtown garage was cut.


I know. Some movies you just can't see on mainstream TV.


2. They took out the entire final part of the Art Institute trip, where Cameron stares at the Seurat long enough to identify with the upset child holding her mother's hand and being ignored. It's the whole setup to his later breakdown!

Maybe the best moment in the movie, adding depth.



Weird. I just saw this on VH-1 and noticed the complete cut of the back-and-forth between Cameron's stare and the Seurat painting. It really made me mad because I love the poignancy of the music and that scene - the rest of the movie I can take it or leave it.

I came here wondering if it was worth writing a thread about it... Glad you beat me to it, it's one of the most ham-handed, idiotic edits I've ever seen. Like they couldn't have cut out 15 seconds somewhere else.


Wow that's ridiculous. #2 and #3 were two of the most classic scenes in the whole movie! And yeah #1 makes the whole joke not even make any sense, they may as well have cut that scene instead then.
