
has anyone other than me seen this movie?




I saw this back when it came out, but I can't remember if it was a rented tape or if it was on TV. I thought it was a riot then, but, for the sake of perspective, I was into Monty Python and Benny Hill, and thought Plan 9 from Outer Space was just about the best thing going in junk comedy. Now I want my 15 yr old son to see it and maybe, just maybe, we will be able to borrow it somewhere. If not I am going to buy the thing. There is really no need to see it a second time. The site gags worked once for me but this time I will see them coming! (sorry)

I think you have to be Varney fan on some level to like this movie.

Keywords: Slapstick, stupidity, bad props, low budget, sci fi, camp, Ernest. Yeah if you look up "Ernest goes to camp" you will hit this phrase. Good.


Yep! Saw it when I accidentally rented it from the non-Blockbuster rental store in the 90's when I was in grade school. It's funny in a different sort of way...


and I thought that I was the only one who has seen this movie.
'Dr. Otto' is actually on my Top Ten list of favorite movies.
I first saw it back in the early 90s, it was about 3am...
so I went looking all over for the movie (of course no one heard of it)
and finally Suncoast was able to special order it.
Got the VHS for $20, took about 2 months to come in.
Thought that was a lot for a VHS back then, but didn't mind.
I'd love to have it on DVD now.

That has to be Jim Varney's best movie ever!
The whole changing coffin thing, Willie, and Auntie Nelda...
Auntie Nelda is the best!

'There are no happy endings because nothing ends'


I remember seeing it on TV a few times but I think that was more than 10 years ago. All I remember is Jim Varney playing that old Lady. I'd like to see it again soon.

Bruce Campbell IS the King and remember, Nobody ever *beep* with the King!
(Formally RKOBARON)

