Criterion DVD

Anybody think the HD print looks a little too good? Compare it to the print on the trailer or the VHS which probably look like the film print. It makes it a completely different movie, visually. New Orleans bayous lose the grittiness of the grain and the prison doesn't look as bleak or nightmarish. Anyone else feel this way too?



Jim Jarmusch himself says somewhere on the Dvd, that he loves the new print.

I think you just get used to seeing something a certain way and find it hard to adjust.

What a film!

"We're in the spirit world as*hole, they can't see us".


Isn't it strange, too, that the new Stranger Than Paradise Criterion HD print looks exactly similar to the MGM DVD? It didn't look sproosed at all. But the sound was way better, I must admit.


I still haven't seen Stranger than Paradise, but I can't wait.

"I've never seen a sight, that didn't look better lookin' back".
