will you join me?

After so many years of wanting to see this film, I saw it at last.
And let me ask... Is there an end to Tom Waits' talents? Tell me he can paint as well and I am starting up a religious group that will worship him as the "one an only"! (As if I haven't been doing that for the past few years already...)
And Benigni as hilarious as ever... Unbelievable...


Tom is truly one of a kind


"I don't do happy, I do sad or angry" - Nick Cave


Exact same situation. Been a Tom Waits fan for a long time and finally got a hold on the movie. I was a amazed by both the movie itself and Tom's performance.


Yep. Love Tom Waits.
Finally saw this movie and it's just gorgeous. I also love John Lurie from his Fishing with John show/DVD. So this was a double treat. And I didn know Benigni was in the movie until he just showed up.
For the sake of discussion, I found this far more entertaining than Stranger Than Paradise, which I saw a couple of months ago.
I'm slowly but surely catching up on the Jim Jarmusch library. Dead Man is next.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy.
-- Lord John Whorfin


yeah, those minutes before titles were stuning and jockey full of burbon in background is apsolutly perfect.


I saw Dead Man finally and love that one too. I need to watch it again though. Most of these require a coule of viewing to get all the enjoyment out of them. Maybe more...

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy.
-- Lord John Whorfin



I'm totally there.


I'm in total awe of Mr. Waits (or "our saviour"), and I have only one question as to his life.


Oh God, why?


the Man works in mysterious ways.

but count me in.



tom waits is SOOO great. my sister got to see him in concert. i loved him in this movie. i loved them ALL in this movie...i really like the part when he was plaing with his shadow when he was drunk, and how he was singing, etc. and good ol' bob...the "good heg!" love 'em


Dr. Heller on the couch, speaking to the TV "Did that frakulator work or what? What's the deal there?"
