What do you think about this one?

I think it is still a very good movie even though, Demons is still the best gorefest. I give it a 9 out of 10.


DEMONS 1 was truly gross, but still a better movie than DEMONS 2


I think Demons for me had a better overall effect, more soul or whatever you want to call it. The "impression" from Demons was stronger, from Demons 2 weaker. You know, the heebie jeebie factor.

This one suffered. Out of 10 I'd give it 3 or 4 and to Demons I'd give maybe 6.



Not as good as Demons, but Demons 2 was still pretty good! But what was the point of having the lead male George of Demons 2 have the same name as the lead male in the first one?! Before i saw Demons 2 i thought it was just the same character from the first, but played by someone else! Oviously i was wrong! They should've just wrote the script a little differently and had Urbano Barberini reprise his role as George from the first one!!

Like Mötley Crüe said, "Girls, Girls, Girls"!



I liked the second one was better. Both of them were pretty stupid and nonsensical, but the second was more fun - maybe because it was stupider and more nonsensical than the first.

The little kid demon was the best part, shame they turned him into a crap Gremlins-style puppet so quickly.



I think the Italian Directors only know 1 or 2 english names. They re-used a lot of the names from the first one, George, Hannah, and others.



First one is way better. I was half expecting something like

Security Guard: What would my twin brother, Ripper, do now?

Tony The Fitness Guy: What would my twin brother, Tony The Pimp, do now?

"You're in my jungle now, boy," SGT Greg Block, Tour of Duty.



I laugh when Ton- I mean Hank throws a potted plant at the security gate, like that's gonna work!

"You're in my jungle now, boy," SGT Greg Block, Tour of Duty.



Demons, the original, was not a very good movie. Of course, it's very different from this movie (part 2), so it makes sense they were not written or filmed the same way. It was entertaining, parts of it were pretty good. The motorcycle demon slaughter scene was excellent. The plot was very stupid. A decent set-up for gore. But too much like American zombie movies, only without decent characters to care about them being trapped in a place trying to escape / beat the odds. Way too over the top! Though the 2nd prostitute's transformation was great, by the time they did it with Kathy and Ken- it was just too much, completely unnecessary. And a completely crappy ending, though befitting this messy movie.

Demons 2 was, for it's type, excellent. 3 flaws exist in it, really. The demon baby wasn't very threatening (it almost seemed like it wouldn't be evil, just that it was scared and looking for a mama-type person, which I thought was adorable!). Then, the way the woman gives birth and just gets up right after like it was no big deal (though the film at least has a good reason for doing it). And lastly, the weird way the little girl in the garage is sort of left alone, her demise or survival not shown onscreen or even hinted at much. If we were supposed to feel sympathy for the Sally demon, it could be because she spared the little girl here in the garage (which I doubt she did, but the last shot of her in the garage around the little girl looked as though she wasn't going to kill her).

Demons 2 is much lighter than the original film. And improves on the it (or at least more than equals it) in several ways.

1) the beginning is much better edited. A surprising amount of characters are linked together through the scenes of people watching the cursed movie on television and the movie doesn't forget about any of them. In the original film, some people around while the movie was playing weren't even watching it (they cared more about making out), but in this film everyone who could see any of it was somewhat compelled to watch it, almost hypnotised by it. And therefore, it had a better sense of building tension. Notice the well-executed incidences of overlapping actions between the movie teens and the teens at Sally's party.

2) it doesn't go for the same over-the-top special effects as the first film. It's more effective for it's choice to minimize the outrageousness of the effects. Yet it still has plenty of very good tricks up it's sleeves. The effect of Sally's veins pulsating through her arm is excellent- at first you actually think it's her arm (it looks pretty realistic), then it starts to look like she's swelling up, like her arm's becoming bionic or something. Then the montage of Sally and the party teens melting acid blood through the floor is great, and a good change of routine from the first film. Because the movie decides to hold out for the who-is and who-isn't a demon trick until later (when it's probably more effective). But the sequence is very well-shot and cut together - and incredibly moody, shots like closeups of Sally's dripping hands (at that disorienting, almost dizzying angle) and feet and the side of her face - like she's not even there. And that effect of the dog shedding his face is unbelievable. I still can't tell they didn't shoot that whole thing with a fake dog, the way it's eye moves is like you can't tell the difference between any of the shots of it's transformation. John Carpenter's The Thing did a similar scene to this but it went so over the top, it was offensive! But Demons 2 keeps it's composure and shocks with this sequence.

3) a better ending. It doesn't try to copy the success of the first film by mimicking it's ending. Rather, it's better for having a good ending, letting it's protagonists escape and not having the world or city taken over by the demons.

4) a real explanation of why everyone is trapped in the building. It was straight-up stupid and cliched when the original film didn't explain or try to, about all the people being trapped behind walls of concrete where less than a half-hour before there had been real doors. But we learn this building is high-tech and the people are really bolted-in until the main electricity comes back on (which it doesn't). Just remember Argento's interest in ultra-modern architecture in Tenebre (1982) and his reference to building structures as sufficating or claustrophobic in Opera (1987) - which even explains why the 1 character who has a panic attack goes hysterical (not like Demons, where inexplicably - every female in the room starts breaking down at practically the same moment).

5) when the extra characters decide to take refuge in the parking garage, it's a damn better idea than the theatre-seat barricade in the original. Because they have cars to drive in front of the doors (not to mention the space to move them around), and they're not so stupid that they fool each other into thinking anyone can ENTER the building (a pointless scene in the original film) to help them until they themselves can exit. Here, they can actually see and hear clearly when the demons enter. Which is good for the tension factor because now it actually makes a difference what time they enter and go to kill everyone.

6) no stupid punks doing coke and throwing around mindless insults in a car. Instead, this time we have a car full of somewhat decent characters who we can believe would actually have tried to help the people in the building, if they had not have gotten in that ill-fated crash.

"Carol, one word of advice: send Cindy to a special school"



The acting really sucked, but other than that I liked it.


Having not watched it again since 1988,until last weekend I found it to be as bad as ever.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead



Is it just me or is 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later like Demons and Demons 2? they seem very similer like the running, the veins popping out, red eyes, screaming, except the demons had big teeth and long claws. IMO I think the Demons are an earlier stage of the Rage virus. Anyway Demons 1 and 2 aren't that good really, terrible acting, a few creepy scenes etc...My sister told me about these when I was around 13 or 14, their probably my least favorite 80's horror movies....but the first one is better I guess.
