lol, anything like Ringu?


Demons 2 is GOOD movie, so no.

"Drink up, Shoot in, Let the beatings begin!"
Metallica, Harvester of Sorrow


Lol, loser.


Lol, overused Internet insult. Dickface. See! Some variety to spice things up.

"Drink up, Shoot in, Let the beatings begin!"
Metallica, Harvester of Sorrow


As long as it's accurate, i call um how i see um.


Well, you'd be wrong there, so I'll just deduct 6 points from your choice in "good" movies. Ringu. Heh.

"Drink up, Shoot in, Let the beatings begin!"
Metallica, Harvester of Sorrow


Demoni 2 - 4.9, 1138 votes

Rungu - 7.4, 12466 votes

Do the math.


1. Demons 2 is an UNDERGROUND horror film, therefore it has a much smaller fan base and fewer people have seen it.

2. F_ck you. The Ring was a POS Japanese remake that was marketed to the 13-26 year olds; the primary movie-watchers of the country. Besides, there was only like 2 scares, and they were both "jump" scares. Pathetic.

Learn common sense.

EDIT: Rungu? Don't recall seeing that one!

"Drink up, Shoot in, Let the beatings begin!"
Metallica, Harvester of Sorrow


Yeh that doesn't make any sense, because despite Demons 2's lower number of votes, it should still have a better average rating if the people who watched it voted it a high score. And who mentioned the awful american remake of Ringu? not me. The american remake is a pile of shyte.


Wow! We agree on something here, the remake was, indeed, complete crap. I assume that the Japanese one is, considering my distaste for Japanese horror.

But still, more people vote around the 4-6 of movies. It just depends on how popular the movie was. The more people who see it, the more people who will vote a 10 or 9.

"Drink up, Shoot in, Let the beatings begin!"
Metallica, Harvester of Sorrow


Ringu is one of the best horror movies of all time, without a doubt. I was 14 when i saw it (21 now) and it still scares the crap outta me when i watch it alone.


I might pick it up, I guess.

"Drink up, Shoot in, Let the beatings begin!"
Metallica, Harvester of Sorrow


excellent plan.


The only similarity between the two is something horrifying coming out of a TV screen.

Ringu is much more slow-moving, pyschological, and a mature, tasteful horror film.

While Demons 2 is more so just people having a good time with moviemaking - heavy on the gore, heavy on the special effects, and heavy on the kills! An fun, entertaining ride. Very accessible.

So, no, I wouldn't say they are very alike at all.


both are good.


Comparing the original Japanese RINGU to DEMONS 2 is like comparing LAWRENCE OF ARABIA with TRANSFORMERS 2.


I know, Ringu must be terrible to be compared to Transformers 2!
