was there ever a demons 3 ?

just recently i found out there was a sequel to a sir with love.
but is there a demons 3?


Yes and no.

Bava claims that "The Church" was the 3rd one but a made for tv movie titled "The Ogre", http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095775/ somehow got tagged with the Demons 3 title.

Also "Black Demons" Got tagged with it as well http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101467/ so take your pick really

"I did not hit her.... I did not!" Oh hi imdb.com


My opinion is far from definitive. But I think the most official third film is "Black Demons", which I'm under the impression has the original & official Italian name "Dèmoni 3" indicating its creation was intended as a Dèmoni sequel; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101467/. The Ogre and The Church were both titled just that and subsequently had "Demons 3" concatenated in certain regions.

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Soavi's "The Church" (La Chiesa) was written as the 3rd film in the Demoni series (which is why some of it is similar in story and theme) but Soavi and Argento had a falling out and Soavi changed the script to make it a stand alone film and removed the parts that connected it to the other two films, though some bits are still similar.

Black Demons and The Ogre were two films that were in no way created as a third film in the series, they just were just given the subtitle later to cash in on the franchise.


it was Bava and Soavi/Argento who had the falling out
Remakes Suck


Thanks for the correction!


Sounds like a REAL Demons 3 might happen: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/44472/weekend-horrors-2011-lamberto-bava-talks-demons-3-and-argento-talks-dracula


Thanks for the link! Here's to hoping Bava can secure financing, it'd be great to finally see a legit Demons 3!


I'm resurrecting this old thread, but MAN, just finished rewatching my 2-Disc set of these and would LOVE an "official" sequal!

Realistically, we'd sooner see a remake then a sequal.

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!
