MovieChat Forums > Dèmoni 2... l'incubo ritorna (1987) Discussion > Who else thought the 'baby' demon was sw...

Who else thought the 'baby' demon was sweet?

I think all he really wanted was a cuddle.



Haha... there is a demon which is sweet in this movie? I saw Demoni 1 and none of them look cute or sweet. But since you have seen it, can share with me how did the ending goes? I really have no chance to see this


I think the baby demon reminded me of a Muppet because of the way its head flapped as it squeaked (it was obviously a puppet).

The ending? Um, they adopt the baby demon and live happily ever after? Well, maybe...



Haha very cute ... c'mon, tell me the ending, I really wana know


Okay, seriously (and anyone who doesn't want to know the ending should look away now)...

The main hero (who spends most of the film locked in a lift) returns to his pregnant wife (who has just attached the sweet little baby demon with an umbrella) in their flat and they climb down the side of the building with a rope. However, Sally (the 'main' demon who is slightly more personable when possessed than when she's a whinging kid moaning about her own 16th birthday party) follows them. They end up in a TV studio next door where the woman gives birth. Sally comes in, but she's blind - they kill her. It ends.

You're probably thinking I made all that up. Watch the film and be amazed at such writing!



Thanks ... seems that this one has a better ending than the first. I saw the first twenty to thirty minutes I think, before the video crashes.

Glad the couple made it, they seems like decently good people. Now I m pretty much looking forward to see that 'sweet demon baby' thing which you say.

So nobody else make it out alive, including the woman from e lift?


I seem to remember that woman in the lift plumetting to her doom in a fit of snarls and spasms.

I wanted Bobby Rhodes to survive, but he got his intimately touched up by a clawed monster. I think you'd have to watch it to figure out what I meant by that.



Haha, I have just manage to load the movie =)

Yup, I know what you mean, I was rooting for him to survive too but already knew he won't as somebody already mention his fate in one of the posting.

Just wondering, how did the last 2nd couple (Sally's friends) get infected? It wasn't shown and if they r already infected earlier during Sally's mass slaughter, shouldnt they have turn sooner?

Sorry, I ask too many questions but I m a very detailed person when I watch horror haha


I can't remember how the second couple get infected. I don't think a coherent plot and the Demons movies go hand in hand. I never could understand where that helicopter came from in the first movie, or even how the second one ties in with the first. I think half the time, people just 'changed.' They probably got scratched when there weren't enough pot plants to throw at the monsters (many ferns died making this movie).



Lol ... ' many ferns died making this movie'

I guess they are too lazy to take care of the smaller details so decide to simply proceed without them ...


I ran across a site the other day that has boths movies UNCUT to d'load,, with Megaupload links. I got the 2nd but didnt like it as much as the first, it seemed kinda cheesy to me.

74 Charger SE
75 Power Wagon Club Cab
78 Power Wagon
84 Ramcharger
90 Ramcharger


Yeah. He was a total cutie. I just wanted to give him a big ol' lovin' hug!

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


I wont lie, I felt kinda bad for it when it was whaling and screaming lol.
