MovieChat Forums > The Delta Force (1986) Discussion > Did you suspect the blonde air crew lady...

Did you suspect the blonde air crew lady...

... might have been part of the terrorist group?

Although I had seen this film several times since the '80s, it had been a long time for me before last night, and I kept thinking she was going to be handed a gun and surprise everyone by revealing her true role.

Just the way the character felt and the possibly-dyed light blond hair. The cockpit door scene seemed like the possible reveal but of course, it didn't happen.

On another note, I found that cockpit door kind of amusing, how the door is opened quickly and slams the terrorist in the face, and knocks the grenade pin from his hand. Oops...


No; I never thought that the German stewardess was one of the bad guys.


No, ever since WW2, Hollywood won't make Germans the villains again


But Hans was German in Die Hard and Wulfgar was German in Nighthawks?


Those then are the only 2 exceptions
