Stupidest movie.

Just saying.
It's too pro-American. I don't see why these "American hero" movies where foreigners are always the bad guys become entertainment. Even though I'm American born and raised, I'm sick of it. Tell me a couple of American movies where American people are actually bad guys, because in truth, we sometimes are.
That's why we have so many racist bastards in the US. I can't stand one more person say "I hate Muslims, let's kick Afghanistan's Muslim ass."


Then make a action movie with American bad guys or shut up.


yeah, no schitt. what about the movies where an american is a greedy developer, etc.

Lee Vervoort

"Get to work."


Check out this Turkish movie. The Americans, Billy Zane and Gary Busey, are the villains


Are you guys those Americans that for some reasons don't really want to be American, so you complain about all the bad things we've done?

It's a movie!

How can you whine about a movie where Americans are just defending their people?


The really bad thing about this movie is when the plane is about to leave and Chuck Norris is chasing after it with his motorcycle and Lee Marvin allows him back on. He should have left him behind so he would be tortured. Instead he survived and now we're being tortured with all his stupid infomercials.


i thought the movie was so stupid it just turned out to be extremely hilarious. the one thing i noticed was george kennedy. poor fella. for him, i bet it was like being joe patroni in a collar ha ha


Maybe it is because some of us like America and even love it. If there were enough of your ilk then movies like the ones you suggest would be made. Of course we have made big mistakes. I was where many big mistakes were made. All you have to do is get some of your friends together and make an anti American movie. That is what is great about this country. You can do whatever you want.You can hate it and down it and show all of it's warts. Do whatever you want but don't tell others what they should make with their money.



Don't forget, this movie was made in 1986. It was a time when America was still getting over the hostages in Iran. This kind of movie was made to idealize the values we have as Americans. Real Americans love this kind of movie, like John Wayne did during and after WWII as well as one from the Viet Nam era.

We love our heroes. Maybe you shouldn't watch movies that portray Americans as heroes. See if you can find something like Hussein does America, maybe you would like that better.

Get real. These are movies that inspire us. Love It Or Leave It


well i dont see americans on the news blowing themselves up (and everyone around them) or taking control of an aircraft very often.




This is based on a true story dumbass...



Well I'm English and while it's tonally uneven I think The Delta Force is awesome. Gotta love the Alan Silvestri score!


"Delta Force is a movie for REAL Americans"

Hulkamania is runnin wild , a Real American dude ;)


This movie is a work of fiction like all of Chuck Norris movies
