MovieChat Forums > Crimes of the Heart (1987) Discussion > Sissy Spacek is on another level

Sissy Spacek is on another level

She absolutely nailed this character. She has an insight and a depth to her characterisation which you just accept as being true. She is a marvel to watch -she probably had the hardest character to portray - insanity can so easily be played camp and over the top but she managed to remain truthful as well show the characters intelligence, vulnerability and attitude. No offence to the Lange and Keaton they did not convince me as well. Lange's choices for her character seemed odd I couldnt get over her characters awful hair and denim jacket let alone anything she had to say and Diane basically played Diane, this character could so easily be the same character she played in first wives club. Sissy the less famous of the three is by far the greater talent.


... and she's the only one of the three who was nominated for an Oscar for this!



She was wonderful as Babe. She broke me up talking to Meg, speculating on Lenny's possible love life.


Spacek is a marvel, (as she is in nearly every damn film she does). Of the 3—I enjoy watching all of them—Spacek was the standout. To be fair too Lange and Keaton, she did have the more interesting and fleshed out character, since much of the story revolved around Babe and her dilemma. However, Spacek did nail the role and was absolutely gorgeous to watch, in a performance that could have come over as a parody or caricature. Spacek is a natural, real and in the moment actress and I agree that she understood her character and she also played another troubled, suicidal character the same year in 'night' Mother.

Her Oscar® nom was deserved and I can't quibble that she was singled out. I would have liked for Sigourney Weaver to have won for ALIENS-86' for this year; but Spacek's performance was a personal favorite.


Easily the best performance of the film, but sadly it was rather spoiled by Keaton's over the top histrionics.

Never been a fan of Lange and didn't like her here either, but she was still better than Keaton.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


I love Jessica Lange and think she could have pulled off Spacek's role because she is so good as portraying fragile, mentally disturbed women ("Blue Sky", "Streetcar Named Desire" etc.). I think Lange had better roles overall than Spacek but Spacek certainly shined here.


Lange, Keaton and most actresses for that matter could not play Babe.

Babe requires a certain type of actress - the child/woman type which Spacek fits into.

Also in many ways, Meg is the most tragic character. My career and life appeared to have spiralled down and Lange is one of the best of portraying this kind character arc.

On the other hand Lange could have played Keaton's role.

Interestingly when finance was first being raised for this film in 1981 (with Jonathan Demme as director) the cast line-up was Diane Keaton as Lenny, Sally Field as Meg & Sissy Spacek as Babe.

By the time the film found funding, changed directors, etc the casting had changed from Field to Lange who was at the time a more sought after actress than Field (despite the fact the Field as won two Best Actress Oscars).

Mind you, Field could have played Meg or Lenny, not sure about Babe in her case.

Also, Beth Henley was most impressed with Spacek. Whilst she never said she thought Spacek was better than Lange or Keaton in the film she did state that Spacek played Babe exactly has she had written the part. I have never read or heard any comment from her on Lange and the only thing she every said about Keaton, which was in 1981 or 1982, was that Keaton was 'too old'. Keep in mind that the characters in the play are in the 20's, however, Keaton, Lange and Spacek were in their late 30's when they filmed the film.

I also think one of the reasons Spacek got most of the acclaim for the film is for a number of reasons. Babe is probably the best role in the film and at the time Spacek wasn't known for comedy, it was her first comic performance, whereas Lange and particularly Keaton were known for doing comedy. Critics were quiet shocked and surprised at the time seeing Spacek play a comic role and pulling it off so effortlessly. Even critics who didn't care for the film tended to praise Spacek's performance. Hell, even the New York Film Critics gave her best actress of the year.


Sally Field in the Meg role!!!!! Could anyone see the woman from Murphy's Romance in that role? Because it was the same year.

Also your assertion that "Field could have played Meg or Lenny" is absurd. Langes physical presence was essential in this role. She was the oldest, she was tall and imposing. Lenny was tall and lanky and awkward. The flailing around that Lenny did could NEVER have been done by Fields and not been seen as ridiculous.

"People who live within their means suffer from a lack of imagination" Oscar Wilde
