MovieChat Forums > Cobra (1986) Discussion > Would Cobra Fit Into Todays LAPD ?

Would Cobra Fit Into Todays LAPD ?

Things have changed a lot in LA. You can't park on Venice Ocean Front Walk neither.


Cobra (nowadays) would likely have to 'talk' criminals out of committing crime (as opposed to shooting them) whilst apologising for his white-privelege' to his new black partner?

He'd also have to cut down on the muscles (in case he offended 'upholstered' people)

...And (apparently) we'll all have to be grateful for such enrichment?


Haha!!! So, so true!


hahahahahahahahahah yes

cobra today would be not allow to be bad ass by woketard policys

cobra was symbol of 80s bad assery. they take no shits from woketard in this era.


'Demolition Man' could (easily) be a semi-sequel to 'Cobra'


yes i think you refer to future society in demoltion man being woketard like banning meats (this is what all vegan liberal wuss want) and banning swear word etc. no one can be offend in future and this is what woketard today want - peoples lifes ended over words!! fuck all these woketard pussy hahahaaah

demolition man is good but demolition man hamper by being 90s film. i like 90s film but they do not hold candles to 80s film!!

cobra is perfect 80s cinema action masterpeace. i like the way they are film. the style. it is gritty but it look good at same time. i like the musics and soundtrack - it add atmosphere. cinematografy and editing. all add up to perfect viewing experiece for anti-woketard cinema fan.

i can watch cobra once every 2 weeks but demotlion man maybe every 1-2 years.


The Zombie Squad would have been defunded by now


Cobra would end up in jail for all the laws he broke now in 2023


He didnt fit then either !

I'm pretty sure it was never LAPD policy to have a machine gun toting "zombie squad" executing criminals Judge dread style .

Its fiction people !

They have a SWAT team , with rules and procedures for those kinds of occasions.


Cobra would go to jail in 2023


2023 now it's nothing but Montes.
