MovieChat Forums > Cobra (1986) Discussion > My Top 10 Problems With This Movie Today

My Top 10 Problems With This Movie Today

My 10 Personal Views Of This Film!
1.It is a mediocre, unsubtle rip off our very poor houmage of the entire Dirty Harry series except the Dead Pool!
2.Stallone is way to styalised rather than street smart, he dresses way to much like limp wrist, pussy boy goff reject of rehearsel of a Wham Boy wanna be! He wants to be Schwarznegger ihere in his attitude and outfit but Schwarznegger got there first and wore it better in the Termonater
3.I respect he was married to her and *beep* her left right and centre but Briggitte Nielson was terrible & you never really want the heroine to be killed but I wanted the Nightstalker to slaughter her and rape her intestines to shreds
4.As ive got older I've gone from been a true Srtallone film fan boy backing Cobra putting it in my 250 best movies that it doesn't get in my Top 500! I hate maturity!
5.John Rambo, Harry Callaghan, Martin Riggs (Leathel Weapon) would outwit, outsmart, brutalise Cobra in a 5 miniute opening action scene of any movie
6.Reni Santoni was a annoying arse kisser here, he should of been a wise head to Cobra like Miyagi was to Daniel Son in the Karatie Kid
7.Andrew Robinson is underutilized and is just a cheap wrip off of any bosss our mayor Harry Callaghan ever had!
8.The Cobra music is a poor mans Rocky IV & Transformers the movie soundtrack even though it's by Vince Dicola who did those 2 gems!
9.There is not enough Emphasis given to the villains, I appreciate Brian Thompson is not the best actor but we don't get enough back story, action our gore representing them, they remind me slightly of the gang in Death Wish III which is actually a very similuer and better movie!
10.Stallone only did Cobra because he couldn't do Beverly Hills Cop which would of ended up pretty similuer to Cobra.
Having said that theres a lot I enjoy about the film so I give it 5/10!



Cobra is a tragedy imo. I should be more clear.. the fact that they havent released the uncut version is tragic. This makes Cobra the ALMOST perfect action film. It's wonderfully over the top, gritty and stylish. The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous. It has this glorious neon-lit atmosphere and groovy 80's rock soundtrack that perfectly brings the whole package together. It's no wonder Nicolas Winding Refn is a huge fan of "Cobra" - Ryan Gosling's tooth pick habit in "Drive" is a homage to "Cobra". The performances are perfect imo. Stallone is the epitome of cool in this. Nielsen is perfect as the ultra sexy blonde in distress.. this is a sleazy action and she's supposed to be just tit's and ass, so no acting is even required on her part. And Brian Thompson.. greatest villain of all time! "I want your eyes pig!" I friggin love it!

The only problem I have with Cobra is that the original version was massively cut to pieces just before the premiere. The cencorship is noticable in many scenes and is very distracting. The whole look of the film just screams sadistic hard core b-movie blood bath, but it never really delivers. Like I said, it's tragic..



Watched it again (for the most part). Point taken.


Good point about Ingrid, Lonestarr. Thanks.

My 150 (or so) favorite movies:



Your problems seem to be more over Stallone than the actual movie.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.
