The Play vs. The Movie

I recently read the Brodway play that the movie was based on. Like many book/play made into a movie, there were difference, but I was struck by how different the two were. Other than most of the characters having the same names and James being a speech teacher while Sarah refused to talk, there was very little similarity between the two. I definitly thought the play was better. Has anyone else seen/read both? Thoughts?


It was a long long time ago but I had the good fortune to see the play also and I remember thinking that the play was better than the film. Not that the film was bad; it wasn't. But I thought the play was more impactful because it was less about the romance between the teacher and the student, and more about this population of folks who felt themselves to be treated as if they were "children of a lesser god" because they were deaf.


That's interesting. I found the romance to be totally unbelievable, and also "predatory", so I wondered what it was doing in the film. Maybe one day I'll get a chance to see the play, which seems to be something I'd rather see instead.
