Care Bears DVD release

My sister is trying to find the original 80s cartoons of Care Bears on DVD. I know that the first two movies have been released on DVD, and that some older episodes have been released in collections, intermixed with a bunch of newer CG shows.

So, has any attempt been made to collect the original episodes on DVD like the recent G.I. Joe and Transformers releases of the 80s shows?

And what about some of the other original movies from the 80s?


All three series (the early DIC, middle Nelvana, and recent Sabella Dern) are on DVD. If you're looking for the Nelvana series, try Amazon or movie exchange stores. All of the episodes are divided on a dozen or so DVDs, called things like Festival of Fun and Season of Caring. A group of four of the DVDs is set to be released in March if you don't want to get them individually.

"Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!"
