What is it about this movie????

I don't know what it is about this movie that gives me such a strange sad-happy-nostalgic feeling. Does anyone else feel this way about CBM2:ANG? I am 24 years old and I watched this movie when I was little. But now, at age 24, when I watch it, it almost makes me want to cry...especially during some of the songs like "Growing Up," "Forever Young," and the song at the beginning. I still watch my old Popple tapes, and My Little Pony tapes and they don't give me the same feeling I get from this particular movie. You know that feeling you get when you really miss someone alot? That is kind of how I feel when watching it. Let me know if anyone else feels this way!


i totally feel the same way.

i think it has alot of to do with the memories of the emotions the movie envoked on us when we where little..remember when kristy was red/crystalised? i REALLY wanted to help her! remember how Trueheat bekoned for everyone to show how they care? as little kids, we cared about the carectors, we REALLY wanted to help them. and now as adults, we reliese how the care bears have grown up in the movie, just like we have! and now, not only do we get to "canoe" down memory lane like lion heart and harmany bear did, but now we get to share these feelings with the next generation. to teach them how to care, too, just like the care bears and causins taugh us.


Oh Sarah, you are so silly. But I get the same way about it. Do you like me? I like you I like you! Feelings, we all have feelings. We like to give, our love, and get loved back! Its part of caring, your learning caring. Yeah and the song goes on. But I miss the childhood. It brings back memories of the good old days. Sigh.


the part at the end where dark heart says he cares for kristy and they are trying to bring her back makes me cry


Oh god, I love this movie SO much.
It brings back so many memories.

I love it SOOOOOOOOO much.
I just want to jump for joy!!!

RIP Judith Eva Barsi
RIP Heather O'Rourke
RIP Jonathan Brandis
RIP Michelle Thomas


For years and years I'd always get the "Do you like me? I like you, I like you!" line in my head and couldn't figure out where I had heard it from. It torturned me for years till I recalled this film. Still have my VHS copy :)

We've met before, haven't we?


Oh, sarah-maske, I feel completely the same way and then some! This movie brings me so much joy and yet I can be bawling like a baby at the end for whatever reason. I guess because such a beautiful, meaningful and sweet adventure is over. The song "Forever Young" helps. I don't think I've ever heard a more moving song in an animated feature.




For the most part I agree with you, cool vibes. However, I really think the Pixar movies are at least trying to promote caring...especially Cars. Of course I admit that it's not as syrupy as this, but oh well.


This movie makes me feel nostalgic for my childhood... problem is, I saw it for the first time in 2006. I'm still trying to reckon that one out, and when I finish then I'll get started on yours, K? :)

"It's not about listening with your ears, it's about listening with your imagination!"


I still feel nostalgic about things i watched when i was younger too and want to watch them. It's a funny thing really. I'm also in my twenties now.


i'm in my 20s too and this movie always leaves me feeling very bitter-sweet. I loved this movie so much as a little kid and it makes me want to be the person I was back then (aside from the occasional tantrum haha). Everything seemed so new and awesome and I could not wait to grow up.


You know, I couldn't remember this movie at all until I saw the picture of Dark Heart on the wikipedia page for it. He looked familiar somehow, and then I read the part about him cartwheeling and it came back to me. Still can't really remember this movie.


i rewatched this movie and teared up a lot i didnt realize i was so attached to it...i wasnt even sure i remembered it and then it all came flooding back to me...i remember being so scared for christie when she was chrystalized anyone else find that part seriously dramatic as a child....

and yeah ii wouldnt say i had a crush on dark heart but i remember finding him cool...


I feel the exact same way about this movie. It's kind of hard to explain but "strange sad-happy-nostalgic feeling" about sums it up.

I've recently pulled this tape out for my youngest niece, who is just getting into Care Bears, and I've been watching it with her. This has always been my favorite CB movie by far and it just feels so good to watch again. I also find myself starting to inexplicably tear up at some parts in the movie - parts that I have no business tearing up at! I feel like such a goober! I also get a swelling of emotion and tears at the lyrics "Hello, old friend, it's good to see you too".

I also love seeing the joy on her face and just being able to share something with her that I loved so much as a kid. In a strange way it almost takes me back and makes me feel like a little kid again.

My friend, don't be a jerk!


I feel exactly the same way. Sad, nostalgic, wistful...This movie is such an old school treasure that children these days are missing out on something big!
