Despite how poorly this movie aged... gotta admit that it had a beautiful soundtrack.

"Flying my Colors" and "Forever Young" still get to me even now.


I thought I was the only one! :D

I mean, I know this movie's for little kids (I used to watch these movies when I was little too), but I just LOVE the song "Forever Young." I wouldn't mind using that as my wedding song. :3

"I got in one little fight and my mom got scared"- Will Smith (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)


"Forever Young" is a real tearjerker.


Wasn't it also a huge hit on the Billboard charts?


I thought it aged poorly too, but my 2-year-old daughter LOVES it! She wants to watch it every day and dances to all the songs. It took me a few times watching it to get past the 80s-ness of it, but I like it now and it's a cute story.


I'm 26 and grew up watching this movie and i know i'll definatly let my kids watch it just so i don't feel embarrased about watching it myself, Yeah i'm currently listening to Forever young on Youtube lol


i just watched this movie the other day and loved it and the forever young montage made me cry


My son just saw this movie...'Forever Young' came on...tears flowed. He's 7 and said 'it's about to make me cry daddy.' The little tears flowed. Now we're watching Batman Forever...getting his tough guy back.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson
R.I.P. Heath Ledger


Agreed, although I still enjoy the movie ( nostalgia basically) itself 

Esta es mi firma


I am a bit embarrassed to admit it, but for a children's film, the songs were of extremely high quality, and I can still remember most of them, 20 odd years later!

"Forever Young" felt like a sad song to me, because it sounded like someone had died, and they were being remembered by others who were still alive.


The movie's decent, not as good as the first one, but the songs are way better than the first film's, yes, one highlight of this film is its soundtrack.
