great movie

everyone should watch it


i did, 3 x


thats the way!


I finally watched I because of your recommendation. Man, did I ever want the dude from Grease 2 to get killed. Great movie. 👍👍


Yeah good to hear. This is one of my favorites.


It's pretty good. Stumbled on it by chance after going through some of Sheens early filmography. Charlie was good stuff back in the day and this film delivers on many fronts.

Charlie Sheen & Maxwell Caulfield are both excellent with great chemistry, playing "troubled" teens go bad perfectly. Serial killers in the making, deftly told showing how outcasts, on the edges of society can get into crime and killing, two peas in a pod but both with different motives, ideals in life and issues.

The driving scenes are great and really show off the concrete jungle streets of LA with some really nice wide shots, especially during the car chase and inventive camera strapped to the car angles.

Although I do believe this repugnant pair were disliked for their piggish behavior, mainly due to Max not wanting to fit in and hating people in general, I don't believe for a second either of them wouldn't be able to get chicks in high school.


Glad you liked it. Not many people I've spoken to have seen it.


longtime guilty pleasure of mine

I've actually gone with a friend on a "Boys Next Door" tour of the various locations Beau and Roy visit in L.A.

I still have a "Boys Next Door" playlist of hard rock songs from the film


Good stuff mate!


I had a few brewski's at the time so may have been impaired but I gave it a straight 8 out of 10. Was really impressed.

I've been digging in to a lot of 80s drama, light comedy type films with young actors of the time like Charlie Sheen, Sean Penn, River Phoenix, James Spader, Robert Downey Jnr and found some really good ones, like this.

There so much decent stuff lost to history and they just don't churn out movies like this any more. They also don't make as many movies a year as they used to. It has to be an event or an indie. There's no middle ground.

I normally just dig through actors early filmography and choose the ones that I like the look off with a decent score.

Then pop down my local video store called the Black Pearl.

Its amazing the depth of young acting talent in the 80s and there were so many movies being made most had 10 films + under their belt as teen actors and every young actor worked with every other young actor at least once.

I noticed how many times young actors worked with each other and decided to do a little project. Bit off more than I can chew, its still under construction but you can see how many movies they made while still young and being cast as teens into their 20s. And how many people worked with each other like a six degrees of separation.


The new kids, tuff turf and bad influence are my favourite James Spader ones from the 80's. I watched those first two for the first time recently really liked em.


I loved Tuff Turf, watched that and New Kids for the first time the other weekend. Not sure if Ive seen Bad Influence just yet but I may check it out.

Less Than Zero with RDJ, Jami Gertz, Andrew McCarthy and James Spader was pretty good to.


I haven't seen less than zero yet so might check it out soon.




Yeah it's pretty choice.


No man's land and the wraith are a couple good Charlie sheen movies from the 80's. If you're prepared to venture into the 90's, the chase and the arrival, are couple of my favourite sheen movies.


Out of Bounds (1986) is a good movie with Anthony Michael Hall. Run (1991) with Patrick Dempsey is pretty good too.


I rewatched it recently and yes, it is a fine movie about two totally lost young men, one a total psycho and the other a stupid follower.

Fine performances by both leads actors.


Yeah I find myself rewatching this every couple years or so.
